Preble County OhArchives Deed.....Horner, Edward A - Randal, Jonas December 7, 1846 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Erma Day March 29, 2008, 8:10 pm 20 acres part of SE 1/4 section 19, township 4, range 3 Written: December 7, 1846 Recorded: March 31, 1849 *[Correction to Elijah Horner’s Deed ] Jonas Randal to Edward A Horner Preble Co OH Deed Bk 38 p 397, 398 N B See Book D or 4 page 300- 301 Jonas Randal to Edward A Horner Presented and Recorded September 30th AD 1850 Whereas Jonas Randal of the county of Preble and State of OH did on the 28th day September 1820 convey by warrantee deed to Elijah Horner of the same place the following described tract of land situate in Preble Co, OH, it being the north east part of the south east quarter of section 19 township 4 range 3 east of a line drawn from the mouth of the great Miami river beginning at the southeast corner of said quarter running along the section line south forty rods to a stake then parallel with the lines west eighty rods to a stake then north forty rods to the said quarter section line then along the east the same eighty rods to the beginning containing twenty acres of land and whereas the said Elijah Horner did on the 24th day of July 1824 give and bequeath by last will and testament the said lot or tract of land to his daughter Charlotte Horner and whereas said will was proven and admitted to record Oct 1824 and whereas the said Charlotte Horner now Kinsey and David Kinsey her husband did on the seventh day of December 1846 convey said lot or tract of land to Edward A Horner, which deeds are all on the records of Preble county the one given by [Jonas] Randal to [Elijah] Horner is recorded in book D vol 4 page 300 & 301 February 20th 1821 and the one given by Kinsey and wife to E A Horner is recorded in book no. 36 page 337 on the 15th day of February 1848 (description right in last mentioned deed ) and whereas it appears that there is an error or mistake in said deed from Jonas Randal to Elijah Horner to wit the description reads thus "Beginning at the south east corner of said quarter" where it should read "Beginning at the NORTH EAST quarter of said quarter" Therefore in order to correct said error or mistake and to make all things fair and right after I am gone know all men that I Jonas Randal aforesaid in consideration of the sum of one hundred dollars to me in hand paid by said Elijah Horner [should say Edward Horner] aforesaid I do hereby grant assign and convey to the said Edward A Horner the present owner and possessor of the following described premises which were intended to have been conveyed in the former deed given by me to the said Elijah Horner to wit Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southeast quarter of section nineteen, township four, range three east running along section line south forty rods to a corner then parallel with the old line eighty rods west to a corner then north parallel with the section line forty rods to a corner on the quarter section line then along said line east eighty rods to the place of beginning containing twenty acres of land 31 Mar 1849 Jonas Randal his X mark Sarah Randal herX mark Witnesses Margaret Ann Warner R W Swain Acknowledged before R W Swain JP Preble Co 31 Mar 1849 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb