Page 005 Y. M. I., Y. L. I. PLANS ST. PATRICK'S BALL Carmel Institue, Y. L. I. and Phil Sheridan council, Y. M. I. will hold a joint St. Patrick's ball Mar. 17 in the St. Francis hotel. Dr. W. P. Carpenter is chairman of the committee, assisted by the following: Ceo. Neisel, Mrs. W. F. Carpentier, Misses Lucille Donahue, Alice Boeger-(?), Agnes (?), Julia Brenny, (?) (?), Glory Dwyer, and Ruth Lymburger . (?), Joe, O'Connor and Jax Donahue and Frank McCullough, M. Harvey, Ralph (?), A. (?), Jack Abling, J. Flynn, (?). Clark and Thoy Dowd.