USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be freely used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organizations. Clyde, Ohio March 15, 1923 Obituary of George Drew Brief mention was made last week of the death of George Drew, Civil War Veteran, who passed away at his home on Grant street Wednesday. The funeral was held at the home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E. A. Parkinson and interment was made at McPherson cemetery. George Drew was the son of James and Mary Owens Drew, and was born in Monroe, Mich. He spent his boyhood days in that vicinity and later moved to Green Springs, where he was manager of a packing house for a number of years. He was married to Ellen Moore, and to them were born eight children, five of whom passed away in infancy and are buried at Green Spring. A daughter, Mrs. Will Hock, passed away several years ago, and his wife died two years to the day before her husband. Another son, Alfred, died a number of years ago. There are two surviving children, namely, Mrs. Bertie Simms of Clyde and Eugene Drew of Erlin. Mr. Drew enlisted in Co. E, 186th O. V. V. I., Feb. 18, 1865, and served with the company in the south until he was mustered out of the service Sept. 18th of the same year. He was a member of Eaton Post No. 55, G. A. R. He has been a farmer and truck raiser all his life until a few years ago when infirmaties of age forced him to give up active work. ----