OHIO STATEWIDE FILES OH-BMD Project Mailing List Issue 036 *********************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ *********************************************************************** OH-BMD-D Digest Volume 02 : Issue 36 Today's Topics: #1 [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (B [marce@gru.net] #2 [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (B [marce@gru.net] #3 [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (B [marce@gru.net] #4 [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (D [marce@gru.net] Administrivia: To unsubscribe from OH-BMD-D, send a message to OH-BMD-D-request@rootsweb.com that contains in the body of the message the command unsubscribe and no other text. No subject line is necessary, but if your software requires one, just use unsubscribe in the subject, too. To contact the OH-BMD-D list administrator, send mail to OH-BMD-admin@rootsweb.com. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #1 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 05:09:44 -0600 From: marce@gru.net To: OH-BMD-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <200205231109.g4NB9iD21107@worldgenweb.rootsweb.com> Subject: [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (Baldinger/Hopf) The following record has been added to The BMD Project. For more information, click on the provided link. Record URL: http://bmdproject.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?st=OH&t=M&id=32129 Date of Marriage: 06 Dec 1857 County: Crawford Groom: Jacob Baldinger, Bride: Margaretha Hopf, ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #2 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 05:31:10 -0600 From: marce@gru.net To: OH-BMD-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <200205231131.g4NBVAn21162@worldgenweb.rootsweb.com> Subject: [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (Baldinger/Weiser) The following record has been added to The BMD Project. For more information, click on the provided link. Record URL: http://bmdproject.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?st=OH&t=M&id=32130 Date of Marriage: 25 Mar 1860 County: Crawford Groom: Jacob Baldinger, Bride: Elizabeth Weiser, ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #3 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 05:34:28 -0600 From: marce@gru.net To: OH-BMD-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <200205231134.g4NBYSS21173@worldgenweb.rootsweb.com> Subject: [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (Baldinger/Schneider) The following record has been added to The BMD Project. For more information, click on the provided link. Record URL: http://bmdproject.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?st=OH&t=M&id=32131 Date of Marriage: 19 Jul 1864 County: Uncertain Groom: John Baldinger, Bride: Margaretha Schneider, ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #4 Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 05:38:01 -0600 From: marce@gru.net To: OH-BMD-L@rootsweb.com Message-Id: <200205231138.g4NBc1j21181@worldgenweb.rootsweb.com> Subject: [OH-BMD] New OH Marriage Record (Durtsche/Baldinger) The following record has been added to The BMD Project. For more information, click on the provided link. Record URL: http://bmdproject.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/search.cgi?st=OH&t=M&id=32132 Date of Marriage: 22 Jul 1875 County: Crawford Groom: Jacob Durtsche, Bride: Katherine Baldinger, -------------------------------- End of OH-BMD-D Digest V02 Issue #36 ************************************