
The USGenWeb Project
Oklahoma Archives

Beckham County


Beckham County Cemetery Records

Erick Cemetery

Erick Cemetery in Erick, Oklahoma has over 3,000 burials. These files are the work of Wayne Pigg. He has generously shared his hard work with The Tombstone Transcription Project and The USGenWeb Archives so that Erick, Oklahoma researchers can benefit from his work. We owe Mr. Pigg a big debt of gratitude for his submission.

The files are available in two ways. You can view the file intact, with burial locations included. This file is very large and will take some time to download. As a companion to this file, there is a map of the cemetery that you can download as well. You can also look at the files alphabetically by surname. These are smaller files and will download more quickly.

File Name Description Size Date Submitted By
Description File Name File Size Date
Erick Cemetery
By burial location.
erickcem.txt 865 Kb 8/17/97
Erick Cemetery Map cem-map.jpg 89 Kb 8/17/97
"A" Surnames erick-a.txt 32 Kb 8/17/97
"B" Surnames erick-b.txt 73 Kb 8/17/97
"C" Surnames erick-c.txt 60 Kb 8/17/97
"D" Surnames erick-d.txt 35 Kb 8/17/97
"E" Surnames erick-e.txt 22 Kb 8/17/97
"F" Surnames erick-f.txt 34 Kb 8/17/97
"G" Surnames erick-g.txt 51 Kb 8/17/97
"H" Surnames erick-h.txt 82 Kb 8/17/97
"I & J" Surnames erick-ij.txt 31 Kb 8/17/97
"K & L" Surnames erick-kl.txt 52 Kb 8/17/97
"M" Surnames erick-m.txt 89 Kb 8/17/97
"N & O" Surnames erick-no.txt 22 Kb 8/17/97
"P" Surnames erick-p.txt 49 Kb 8/17/97
"R" Surnames erick-r.txt 47 Kb 8/17/97
"S" Surnames erick-s.txt 83 Kb 8/17/97
"T" Surnames erick-t.txt 22 Kb 8/17/97
"U & V" Surnames erick-uv.txt 9 Kb 8/17/97
"W" Surnames erick-w.txt 57 Kb 8/17/97
"Y & Z" Surnames erick-yz.txt 6 Kb 8/17/97

Beckham Co. Oklahoma US GenWeb Archives
Misc State Wide Info
Oklahoma Tombstone Project
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Oklahoma Penny Post Cards

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This page was last updated Thursday, 21-Nov-2002 16:42:01 MDT