Beckham Co. Washita & Kiowa Co. OK - Misc Newspapers 1901-1910 Submitted by: Jerri Hodde ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ News Papers Generation No. 1 1. NEWSPAPERS1. Notes Dear Families,Hopefully these postings of families and news will give you great pleasure in your finding some of your kinfolk's.Jearldene Hodde THEBERLIN VENTURE -Thus.- May 2,1901 A KILLING On Sunday last officers brought in J.P.NOWLIN ,a merchant of Carter,this county,and lodged him in jail to await examination on the charge of having killed W.E.LOWERY,a blacksmith who has been doing business at the same place.It appears that Mr.NOWLIN was annoyed some time ago by discovering a card nailed to his store bearing the figure of a man hanging by the neck and lotimating that Mr.NOWLIN had better leave the country within ten days.Not having complied with the warning ,in a short time afterward,on the 14th of April,his store building and it's contents were destroyed by fire.Suspecting that LOWERY was connected with the burning,he had the latter's house searched by officers to see if there was anything there which would show that the store had been robbed.This action was strongly resented by LOWERY and increased the bad feeling which had existed between the two men for some time.On Saturday last the two men met.LOWERY demanded to know if NOWLIN suspected him of burning his store,and if so,on what grounds.Nowlin replied that he did suspect him,and that the reason therefore was based on his belief that the handwriting of the notice posted on his store building was that of LOWERY.The latter immediately attacked NOWLIN,cutting his head in eight or nine places with a pair of brass knuckles which he wore.In the struggle Nowlin managed to get out his gun and shoot,inflicting a fatal wound.The dead man also had a gun on his person.Both are married men with families.After the fight between the two men a son of LOWERY'S attacked NOWLIN with a rock and was shot in the side by the latter,but not dangerously wounded.At the preliminary trial held Thursday before JUDGE HOUSTON,the prisoner was discharged on the murder count,but was placed under $1,500 bond to answer for shooting at the young man LOWERY with intent to kill.The judgement of the court is fully endorsed by the crowd of spectators who heard the witnesses testify. **************************************************************************** **********Mrs.C.E.FERGUSON,a member of the W.C.T.U. at Chandler,in writing about the condition of Oklahoma's Jails,has this to say in the Chandler News :"In the first place I would state that there is no provisions whatever made for the care of female prisoners.For instance,there has been a young woman,19 years of age,in our jail for the last two months.The Officers have,I believe,done the best they could under the existing conditions.The young woman has been kept in the outer room where the jailer sleeps.In that room are two cots,one single and one double,no privacy what so ever ,not so much as a curtain,This woman was so ill as to require watches all night and had not a woman to aid or comfort her.She may be a criminal ; If she is ,this is the way to make it worse;and if she be innocent ,this is the way to destroy her self-respect and make her evile.I feel that the womanhood 'of this land should demand that proper respect be aid to her sex,and that when a woman imprisoned there be a private apartment for her and a female jailer to take care of her.As woman rarely put the county to expense by lawlessness,they should be recorded proper concederation for sex when so unfortunate is to be placed on the criminal list." **************************************************************************** ************************************CARTER EXPRESS March 23,1905******** In their paying professional newspaper writers to circulate it?Is it a jobbing deal?Does it emable from German diplomatic circle is to put forth with a view to ?iraoging Brazil from the United States for the benefit of the German's these are some of the questions being asked and to no satisfactory answer is as forthcoming.There is no doubt but that President ROOSEVELT will urge the next congress to revise the tariff,but there is considerable doubt as to whether or not the Congress will take his recommendations.There is strong indications that the Senate will be ready to respond to the ongoings-in fact that body is already taken the first step by authorizing its finance committee to ? during recess,hold hearings and subpoena witnesses-but the senate will do nothing with regard to the tariff until the house takes the inititive and that the speaker within him control the lower chamber persistently to do. **************************************************************************** ************************************CARTER EXPRESS March 23,1905******** Cyclone at Poarch - Hobart,Oklahoma March 20.-At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.a cyclone struck Poarch,a little town twenty-four miles northwest of here and practically wiped it off the map,killing one man out right,and injuring eighteen others,four of whom it is thought will die.During the rain,wind and hail storm that was raging a dark funnel-shaped cloud appeared southwest of the town.The long wriggling trunk in which could be seen trees and debris,swooped suddenly down on the little town.and when it rose and disappeared only a few secondds later.Poarch presented a scene of death and devastation.Sixteen houses were demoleshed and pieces of timber and furniture were found today several miles from town.One body has been recovered.but at last report had not been identified.J.E.JONES and Charley JONES were fatally injured.the latter being badly crushed.Sixteen others were seriously hurt.The path of the cyclone was narrow,but the force of the wind was terrific;twisting buildings from their foundations and shattering them almost like egg-shells,and uprooting large trees.It is feared that the cyclone may have struck other places especlally by the country,from which reports would of necessity come in slowly.Steps are being taken to aid the unfortunate people of Poarch. **************************************************************************** ********** The Berlin Venture --- May 30 1901-News reached us Monday evening that Dr.McGee,living nine miles south of here,has been shot through the lung by Olin Chaffin.About an hour before sundown Monday evening Dr.McGee was crossing from home to the house of a neighbor when 2 men drove in sight in a buggy.When these men got near enough to recognize the doctor;one of them,Olin Chaffin got out and entered a draw near which the doctor would pass,and waited until he got within shooting range.As soon the doctor saw the man he turned and commenced to run back home.As he ran Chaffin emptied his winchester,and one shot taking affect.After the shooting Olin Chaffin went to Carter,to the home of Uncle Jimmy Goff,who furnished him blankets to camp out near by.The next morning Chaffin was found dead in bed,he had taken poison.At the last term of court it appears that Dr.McGee had preferred charges against Chaffin for shooting some horses belonging to the doctor.This charge no doubt was the cause of the shooting.Chaffin was a young man of about 25 years,comparatively well spoken of by his neighbors.McGee is an old timer in this country and has also lots of friends.Mr.McGee has a good chance to pull through. ****** There is quite an exodus to the east just now to the harvest fields.Ira MEEK,Roy GARRISON,Mm CRINER and French LANCASTER are to start Wednesday for Kingfisher county to harvest******Quite a caravan passed through here for Colorado.Yhey have been camped at Mountain View for some time waiting for the opening but concluded to go father west.They say the berder of the Kiowa country is alive with people.***** Mrs. BAIN was visiting at Mrs.LANCASTER'S Wednesday.Mrs. W.L.BLACKBURN was over to Busch to buy a bill of lumber for a house,but says lumber is out of sight in price and the town is dead.*****LEGAL NOTICES-Examine your final proof notices carefully and if there is any error in the number of the land or in the spelling of claimants or witnesses' names,please notify this office at once for correction.Witnesses' and claimant's first name must be spelled in full;middle initial will do.The charges on legal notices are $5.25*****(First pub May 30, last Pub July 4,1901).Notice of Publication Land Office of Oklahoma. O.T. May 20,1901 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim,and that said proof will be made before United States Commissioner at Buseb,O.T. on July 28,1901.viz;Albert R.SOLLERS,for the 61/2 nw1/4 and sw1/4 nw1/4 section 34,and se1/4 sw1/4,section 27,township12,north range 23 west.He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon,cultivation of said land,viz:John R.RICHERSON,Bert L.BRIGLET,David I.BRIGHT and Oscar W.SHELTER,all of Berlin,O.T.***** **************************************************************************** **********May 1905 Erick Entertrise***** The Dixie Air Line.R.E.DAVIS has,on account of the slowness of Granite in coming up with the bonus proposition satisfactory,submitted propositions to other towns for the Dixie Air Line railway.There are three possible routes,viz:By way of Chattanooga and Snyder to Willow,by way of Warren and Granite;or from Snyder to Willow by way of Lone Wolf,or from Snyder to Erick by way of Blair,Mangum and Salton.Mr.Davis says one of these routes will be chosen and that the Dixie Line is to be finally 1,700 miles in length,running from Denver to Galveston.The value of being on such a line need not be dwelt upon.--Granite Enterprize.***** Terrible Tornado Wipes out Town of Snyder.Dispatch to the Oklahoman.Hobart,O.T. May 11, 2 a.m.--The town of Snyder,32 miles south of here,was practically destroyed by cyclone tonight,and it is reported that five hundred people have been killed and injured.Details are almost impossible to obtain.The wires,both telephone and telegraph,are down west and south of here.Conflicting rumorsfill the town and all is excitement in preparations for going to the scene of the tornado by any conveyance possible.A special train left here just before 2 o'clock carrying nurses,physicians and many others.***** MARRIED- Miss Anna ABLA,daughter of C.W. ABLE,who lives one and a half miles south of Erick was married last Sunday to Mr.Thos FLOWERS at the home of the bride by REV.Ira PORTER.**Oscar T.NICHOLSON,cashier of the ?*** **************************************************************************** **********Feb 18,1909 The Elk City Democrat & Statesman- The Colorado,Texas and Mexico railroad co. met the farmers of the south end of Beckham Co.on last Thursday evening at the Star school house .The railroad was represented by Col.LOCKE and five of the most prominent business men of Elk City.These five business men of Elk form the right-of -way committee.They placed their proposal very satisfactoily before the farmers.There was a very large crowd out and everybody is deeply interested in this road.The most prominent men of this part of Beckham county spoke very favorably of this proposal and say that the townsite must be located close to the present site of Poarch,Ok.We have near our present town site some of the most successful farmers and cattle men in Beckham county.We are in great need of this railroad and futhermore the Poarch people expect to do all they possibly can to help the Elk people get it.We are glad our county has a boosting city and an industrail,progressive force of men located at Elk City,the new Majestic city of the south west. **************************************************************************** **********Feb 18,1909 The Elk City Democrat & Stateman-Already great plans are being made for the inaugration.Great platforms are being erected.Granstands,bleechers and seats on both sides of Pensylvania Ave.These are to accomodate visitors.A great platform is being erected just east of the main Capitol building on which the ceremony is to take place.***** Ferris'new bill to open roads in Oklahoma was introduced last week and is a very much needed measure.It removes restrictions on all allotted and un-alloted lands along the section lines in the Indian Territory part of the state.As it now stands the restricted lands can neither be donated or purchased on account of Federal Restrictions.Ferris hopes to push it through before adjournment on March 4th.****** Teddy has vetoed the census bill.He says in substance in his message to the Republican congress that they are a lot of politicians who elect to peddle patronage rather than let merit win under the civil service.Teddy is going out very much like the proverbial lion.He plays to the galleries and tramps all under his feet in order to boost himself.Well,we can only say,"Lay on McDUFF you only have a few more days to advertise."*****Bob KING'S horses attached to his rural route wagon became frightened and ran away Wednesday evening at Depot,damaging his wagon considerably.No one was injured. **************************************************************************** **********The Carter Express -April 15,1910 Representatives of Beckham Co.G.W.LEWB-J.O.LONG -For county Sheriff*C.H.COPE-J.R.RICHERSON-P.A.WATSON *For County Judge-John C.HENDRICK-C.S. GILKERSON *For County Treasurer W.A. MURPHY,(re-election)-Geo.A. DIETRICH-*For County Clerk J.C. MACKENZIE (re-election) *County Commissioner Prect.1 N.S.MOUNTS *County Commissioner of Prect 2 W.G.CARTER -For Register of Deeds Mrs. A.D.JONES******Before Building Figure with A.L.WHEELER Contractor and builder Carter,Oklahoma *****While breakfast bacon is retailing at from 25 to 80 cents a pound,and hogs on foot are selling at 6 to 8 cents a pound,we see that the big packing companies,the raking in the sheckles and skinning the public as though there is no Anti-Trust Law.******Mrs.J.A.Britton and pretty daughter,who reside southeast of Poarch were shopping at Jackson & Co.'s store Monday last.***Homer Bunton returned last week from a trip to Tennessee.His wife will leave next week for a visit with the "old folks at home" in Tennessee.*****M.T.GILLENTINE and wife left yesterday for their home at Eldorado,after a week's visit with their son,R.L.GILLENTINE,at Carter.*****Chas.MOORE has a brand new wagon he purchased of ETTER & WILLIAMS right here in Carter.*****J.M.ETTER has been at Doxey on his farm sowing alfalfa,while his brother ,S.J.,looked after his livery business at Carter.***** We have a new line of children's nad misses hats next week.We also take orders for tailor made suits and shirts.See us for bargains.HEGGIE & MCDONALD.***** Dr.G.W.MURPHY and better half,of Sentinel,have been here a few days *****S.J.RITTER candidate for Register of Deeds of Beckham county,has been circulating among Carter friends the past week. ***** Mr.and Mrs. A.L.HUNT were pleasantly surprised Wednesday evening by the young people who took charge of their residence and proceeded to enjoy them selves by arranging and having a regular play party.*****E.H. CURTIS oders the Express sent to Mary D.Luthy.Sandleguito,S.L.P.old Mexico for one year this is our first subscription to go out of the United States since the Express started.*****Claude HAMILTON,dupty State examiner was in the city this week inspecting the books of County Clerk MacKENSIE and County Treasurer MURPHY.He paid both officials high compiliment on the accuracy of their work and stated that the best in the state-Sayre Citzen***** **************************************************************************** **********April 22,1910 -CARTER EXPRESS *Carter now has 40 Business Concerns In Active OperationTwo weeks ago the Carter Express said that Carter had 31 or more business concerns represented at this place.Some evil designing person,who does not know the facts in this case,and said it was a lie,that Carter did not even half that number of business firms.For the information of this particular individual,we herewith give the various names of the firms and their business activities,show that we have not only 31,but we have Forty Business Concerns.Read them for yourself and then decide who it is that lied about it.#1. Carter State Bank #2. Carter Drug Store #3. A.R.JACKSON &Co.,Dry Goods and Groceries #4. HUNT Bros.,General Mdse #5. FAIR Store,Dry Goods,Clothing and Millinery #6. W.Y. ALLEN,General Mdse. #7. T.J. CLIFNER,Hardware and Groceries. #8. ANDRES & POTEET,Dry Goods and Groceries #9. ALEXANDER'S Feed Store and Wagon Yard #10.WILLIAMS & ETTER,Implements,Wagons,and Buggies #11.F.T. ALEXANDER'S Real Estate Office #12.L.A.HACKER'S Blacksmith Shop #13. WELL'S and BARNAFIELD'S Pool Hall #14. HARE & Son's Photograph Gallery #15 Lewis DANNER'S Cement Works #16.Western Lumber Co. #17. S.W. SIDDALL'S Wholesale Coal and Feed Yard. #18. City Cafe KING & McDUFF #19. The Carter Express Printing Office,Job Printing #20. J.S.CHANDLER,Hardware and furniture #21. R.L. GILLENTINE,Real Estate #22.City Meat Market,by Quinnie WISE #23. City Barber Shop,by G.W.BOYD #24.Dr. I.E. GLADDEN'S Office #25. Millinery Shop,by Mrs. HEGGIE & MCDONALD #26. Confectionery of D.L.YANDELL #27.Hotel Mackey,By Mary E. MACKEY #28.YANDELL Bros.Restaurant # 29. R.DYER'S Grist Mill #30. ALLEN'S Boarding House #31. The WRIGHT Store,General Merchandise #32. Confectionery Store ,By C.E.HINEMAN #33.Carter Sanitarium run by Dr.MURPHY #34. Livery Feed and Sale Stable By WILLIAMS & ETTER #35. STEELE Boarding House by Mes. Wm STEELE and Mrs. C.S. MOORE #36. Job Printing Office By,Calvin ALEXANDER #37. Carter Telephone Exchange Company #38.JOHNSON & MORAN,Loans,Insurance and Real Estate #39 Tailor Shop.By,O.VANPOOL #40 A.J. DYER'S Cider Stand. **************************************************************************** **********E.HERRING'S Special Train which left the Boyse farm a few miles west of Elk City and to Frederick Saturday passing through Carter at the rate of 12 -15 miles an hour.40 or 50 people were at the railroad,many of them ready to make the trip.The train was flagged but passed through town without stopping,which made the citizenship very angry.Some remarked that HERRING lost 100 fares by not stopping. **************************************************************************** **********May 6,1910 The Carter Express*CARE OF ORPHANS -Mr. and Mrs. J.A.HIGH are among the noblest work that is being done in this county.They have 10 or 12 orphan children that are well cared for under their fatherly and motherly direction.Few people care to take the responsibility of looking after orphans,therefore everybody who knows of this work should send Mr.HIGH a dollar or five as to that.You will never loose anything by so doing.It will be like "bread cast on the waters," **************************************************************************** **********May 6,1910 The Carter Express*MASONS ORGANIZE -The Masons of Carter and vicinity met in their new hall over A.R.JACKSON & Co.'s new store Monday night and organized by electing the following officers:J.C.ALLEN - W.M. *D.C.ALLSU,-Senior Warden- *L.H.DALTON,Junior Warden-*T.T.WAGGONER,Secretary-*A.L.HUNT,Senior Deacon-*W.A.DEAVER,Junior Deacon-*U.N.WALDROP,Sr.Stewart-*R.E.LINDSEY,Jr.Stewart-*W.SPIECE,Tyler--*C.C .UPTON,Chaplain **************************************************************************** *********May 6,1910 The Carter Express-Only the fact that Halley's comet will not return for seventy-five years is sufficient to cause some people to put off seeing it until it arrives at some more convenient hour.. **************************************************************************** ********** April 29,1910 The Carter Express M.Thomas T.WAGGONER Carter,Oklahoma. Dear Sir:Yours of the 21st to hand.The Commission has not taken any action on the Carter case as yet.Owing to the fact that we have had so much for our stenographers to do in getting up cases for the United States Court,which will come up May 2nd,in St.Paul,Minnesota,our stenographers have not had time to finish up transcribing all the evidence in the Carter case.They are working on that now and hope to get it out soon,at which time we will render our decision in the case.Yours very truly,A.P.WATSON Commissioner.P.S.Col McALESTER has not been here since the evidence was taken.He holds the balance of power in that case. A.P.W. **************************************************************************** **********April 29,1910-The Carter Express-New Railroad For Carter-A railroad proposition is being submitted to the business men of Carter today,in which we may expect to have a road through Hobart,Sentinel,Carter,Sayre,Sweetwater,on Northwest,giving us connections with the Southeast.Surveyors passed through town Wednesday looking over the proposed route,and find that a road can be built over this linecheper than many other lines that have been surveyed through the west .If Carter gets this road,the Wichita Falls road will be darn glad to build a depot here and that in a jiffy.They will either build a depot or loose 75 per cent of the trade within 10 miles of Carter. **************************************************************************** **********April 29,1910 The Carter Express-W.A.DEAVER went to Sayre Saturday-*Dr.BAKER was out from Sayre Wednesday in his Auto-*T.W.POARCH,of Sayre,is another man who will keep posted as to Carter's future growth.-*Jerry OSBORNE went to Cordell first of the week in the interest of the orphans' home.Jerry is hard to beat. **************************************************************************** **********May 6,1910 The Carter Express-Dr.G.W.MURPHY will make a business trip to Texas in the near future-*H.L.ROWLEY,of Cordell,Oklahoma,was here yesterday after his team.-*Wm.FETTES was confined to his room Wednesday and Thursday of this week.-* Dave McCARTY was in Elk City yesterday looking after business interest.-*See those McCall dress patterns for ladies and children,at HUNT Bro.Store.-*Miss Ida MOORE,of Hefner,is visiting with her sister,Mrs.Lizzie HARE,on South Broadway.-*Lon and Jason DYRE returned this week from Hereford,Texas.While away,Alonzoe sold his Mexico claim.-*Why do you walk to plow,when you can get a good riding cultivator for $32.00 J.S.CHANDLER. tf-* J.D.THOMAS,Apheaton,Oklahoma,and S.G.WILLIAMS,New Ollie,Oklahoma,will receive The Carter Express through the kindness of carter relatives.-*Daniel ZIMMERMAN is erecting a nice residence on N.Broadway.The building will be 28x28 feet,and shows the faith people have in the town of Carter.-*Jonas BEER orders the Carter Express sent to his father,Elias BEER,Berne,Ind.,for one year.Mr.BEER is fixing up his wagon to take a trip down through Texas this summer.His family will likely go along with him. Descendants of Page 2 Newspapers Generation No. 1 1. PAGE 22 NEWSPAPERS (1). Notes The News Paper clippings given to Jearldene Hodde Sarah Geroma (HOLMAN )DALTON and Delma TINDELL with permission to post . ******************** May 6,1910-The Carter Express --****** SLATON BROTHERS GIN which is being erected one block north of West Main Street,is now moving rapidly toward completion .A Crew of ten carpenters are busily engaged in its construction,and this large and commodious building will be ready for the machinery the latter part of next week.SLATON Bros.will install a four stand 70 saw outfit that will be able to turn out 60 or 70 bales a day.Parties living around Carter are pleased to know that such a large gin outfit is being arranged to take care of the cotton which will come to Carter this fall.This gin is near the railroad tract and a switch will,in all probabilities,be run out to the gin,for the purpose of shipping out cotton,cotton seed,etc.This will be necessary to accommodate the large trade which will come to Carter this fall.Those assisting in eresting the gin are: Jack POTEET, W.E.WRIGHT, W.A. DEAVER, J.W.LONIER, T.TATE,F.A.TRIMBLE,Frank DAVIS, C.W.HOLMAN, C.M. DAVIS, W.A. SANDERS, P.F.SLATEN.-*G.W.TRIMBLE came out from Sayre today with his brother ,M.C.TRIMBLE,who is Assistant Cashier of the Oklahoma State Bank of Sayre. **************************************************************************** **********May 13,1910 - The Carter Express-New Railroad Practically Assured -Judge RUFFIN and party hold three meetings with the Carter people-A railroad means that your property will enchance in value from four to ten times what it is worth now.Following are the names of local committee who have been working on the matter:J.S. SIDDALL,chairman; G.J.CLIFNER, W.Y. ALLEN,Thos.T.WAGGONER, Wm.FETTES, R.L.GILLENTINE,Farnk J. VANNERSON,J.M.ETTER,and J.P.ROGERS.-** Wash DALTON and C.? were coming in to Carter Wednesday driving a mule team buggy,when the mules were frightened and made a dash toward town,Wash was thrownon the track .His right leg broken between the ankle and ,his face struckthe wheel,and his person was bruised in several places,MURPHY had him taken where he immediately set the leg.While in a critical condition,he is doing as well as could be under the circumstance,A.HACKER and Jim FOWLER standing on the rear ax-buggy,when the team run,but left the buggy.---- **************************************************************************** **********May 27,1910 The Carter Express-Mrs.W.B. ROSS was shopping in Carter Saturday.* Calvin Alexander was out driving with his best girl Sunday afternoon *Rev.STORY preaches in the new Presbyterian Church on South Broadway .on the fifth Sunday in May.***** LOCAL TIME-*** W.TALLMON is erecting a new residence in southeast Carter-* Dr.STONE came from Sayre today on professional business. * Tom HENNING was in town today buying dry goods and supplies . * GILLENTINE & McCARTY were out yesterday insuring crops against hail. * Look ! Listen ! For Hardware and furniture call on J.S. CHANDLER, Carter,Okla. * The Carter State Bank had a neat,new sign painted on front plate glss this week. *Mr.and Mrs. W.C.ALLMAN were Carter shoppers the middle of this week. *W.L. McDONALD says 75 acres of cotton will be planted on his place this season. * E.J. DAVIS was once proprietor of a newspaper,since which time his intergrity remains unquestioned. * See Star Route man for prompt delivery of express.Perishable stuff is delivered the same day. * Mr. and Mrs. J.E. MILLER,who resides north of the river,were selling produce here today and buying supplies. * I have 200 or more bushels of shucked corn to sell at 65 cents a bushel.Call at my place at once. Wm STEELE. * Press ROGERS and Chas. HINEMAN have bought out the City Meat Market.We may expect beef steak and pork chops any time we need them. * Mrs. R.N. COLE returned home with her daughter ,Mrs. E.E. BRECKENRIDGE yesterday for a week's visit here. She lives at Sayre. *Why do you walk to Plow when you can get a good riding cultivator for $32.00. J.S.CHANDLER * John and Frank WRIGHT,who reside over the river,were in Carter today.** **************************************************************************** **********June 3,1910 The Carter Express** Dr. HENRY reports E.J. Davis boy,who had blood poison,to be improving and out again. * Mrs. Mary E. MACKEY orders the express sent to Frank I. MACKEY ,Berlin,Okla. * Mr. Jerry OSBORNE began a protracted meeting in the College building Sunday evening,and the meeting continues with increasing interest. * P.A. WATSON candidate for sheriff; W.A.MURPHY,candidate for Co.Treasurer; J.C. HENDRIX,candidate for county Judge,and other Sayrites were here Monday at the cemetery decoration. * A large number of our people met at the Carter or Wash Cemetery Monday,cleaned up the grounds,and held services,Bro.J.K.White,of Sayre, preached a sermon quite fitting for the occasion.A number of Sayre citizens were also present.This could have been mentioned in last week's paper free if anyone had told the editor about the meeting. * Rev. S.F.LANCESTER,Miss Myrtle REPASS and Mrs. Alice BLACKBURN,of Grimes,Roger Mills County,came through Carter Friday,returning from Lone Wolf,where they had been attending the district conference of the M.E. Church.Mrs.BLACKBURN was born and reared in a printing office,and knowsmore about the printing business than half the editors in Oklahoma * Calvin ROSSER and other parties were in Carter the middle of the week on business.When the other railroad gets heere ,Calvin may make his headquarters at Carter instead of Mangum. * The Carter postoffice was robbed last friday night .Some thief entered the office by tearing off a screen and raising the window.$74 in silver,bills,and pennies were missing,but no stamps taken.No clue as to who did the robbing has yet been found. * Dr.G.W.MURPHY Physician & Surgeon Female Diseases a Specialty office and Residence next door East of P.O. Carter,Okla. * 12 year old boy drowns.-Chester JONES was found in a creek near his home,5 miles southeast of town,drowned,last Friday night.Judge J.W.McCLUNG with a jury of six men conducted a post mortem examination Saturday,and the jury's verdict was he got kicked by a horse about the head,after which he fell into the creek and drowned.The jury in this case were: Jno, W.WRIGHT, M.A.McCLELLEN,I.N.DAY,T.J.HOLGAN,Bud L.McDONALD,and W.A.PASS.Dr.MURPHY was the attending physician. **************************************************************************** **********June 10,1910 THE CARTER EXPRESS**** BRIDGES BURN * This morning at early day break,the railroad bridge just north of town was discovered to be in flames.By hard work the railroad employees managed to save a greater portion of the bridge ,about 35 feet being destroyed.The fire is thought to have been of an incendiary origin and some who bear Carter an ill will have hinted that our town is responsable for the conflagration.We would sooner believe some of our enemies did the job in hopes of giving Carter a bad name.It is also reported that the river bridge is burned. * Mrs.Chas.MOORE is quite ill this week. * Mitchel BOND says he has plenty of ripe peaches at home. * W.H. BOYD,of 8 miles southeast,has rigged up his binder and is reaping the golden grain. * Harve WOODS has something like 75 acres of cotton just cleaned out nicely this week. * A.O.CAIN put two self binders in the field this week.He has a fine place 2 miles southeast of Carter. * Star Route man,URQUHART informs us of the untimely demise of his faithful old dog,Ring. * Dr. I.E.GLADDEN went to see Andy FALLIS who has severe case of Typhoid,last Wednesday. * Vote for the court house and jail bonds tomorrow and let us out of this high rent we are paying. * Dr.McDONALD,of Sayre is in town today on business. * L.STREET has just harvested 10 acres of very good alfalfa. * Hurshel MESCLEY'S baby boy is still in very bad health,but we hope for him a speedy recovery. * Press ROGERS' new alfalfa field one mile south of town looks very fine since the rain.Alfalfa is a money crop in this country. C.S. GILKERSON,candidate for County Judge was in Carter yesterday,giving the boys reasonable reasons why they should vote for him. * W.M. BALTONS,with KERFOOT Dry Goods Co., was in Carter all day Wednesday,selling goods to our enterprising and wide-awake merchants. * Mitchel BOND,R.F.D. man No.1,out of Carter ,sends the Carter Express to his brother,O.B.BOND,Tullahonia,Tenn.,for which he has our thanks 365 days of the year.* Carter has a singing class which was organized last Sunday at the Presbyterian Church.The class meets every Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock.You are invited to attend and take part. * J.S.WRIGHT is putting on 20-foot addition to his store building.More room has been needed for some time,hence the enlargement .MESARS,WALKER,CURTIS and HICKS are doing the carpenter act on same. * T.W.ROGERS and family returned from Tioga,Texas,Sunday,and are now residing in the HECKELL building. * Frank ALEXANDER let the contract Saturday for completing his concrete business house on the corner of main and Broadway.It will be 25 by 80 feet and will be occupied by Hunt Bros.Dry Goods and Grocery Store.L.E. DANNER and Mr.SHEPARD are laying the blocks,and will soon have it ready for the woodwork.Those who don't believe Carter is humping herself by erecting new business houses and residences will do well to visit the place and see the only business town worth mentioning within ten miles of here. * Willie STEELE preached at Indian Creek last Saturday evening.A literary society has been organized and conducted at that place for some time.Saturday night is their regular meeting time,but they pave way for preaching services.At the close of his sermon Mr.STEELE put the question before the house as to weather they wished to continue their literary or have regular preaching services every Saturday night.The audience voted unanamously in favor of the literary society. * Montie ALEXANDER left his team hitched in front of the College Building one day last week and went into the house .After Montie got into the house his smaller brother,Sammie,climbed into the buggy,and began to whip the team,which ran away.They had gone only a little way when the front wheel of the buggy hung on a gate post and tore every spoke out,Sammie was thrown onto the double trees,but later was rescued from danger by Andrew McCLUNG,who snached him off the double-trees.The boy was in eminent danger of being instantly killed. **************************************************************************** **********June 16,1910 The SAYRE STANDARD -* BURN THE BRIDGES Wichita Falls & Northwestern Has Trouble at Carter- The difficulties incident to the construction of the Wichita Falls and Northwestern railroad,and the determination not to give the people of Carter a depot is still causing considerable strife in that section of the county.It will be recalled that recently the people of Carter had a hearing before the corporation commission,at which time it developed that the commission had pledged themselves to allow the townsite company to dictate as to where depots should be located,without taking into consideration the wishes of the people,the result being that the commission refused to order a depot at Carter.Now comes the news that on friday morning last two bridges on the railroad,one over Flat creek,north of Carter and the other over RED River,south of Carter,were burned early that morning.Both bridges where saterated with coal oil,and the empty cans were found near the scene.The Carter express denounces the burning of the bridges ,and says that it is the work of that village ,who hope to place that burg in a bad light before the public.Other sources see in the effort on the part of the people of Carter to bring the railroad to time. *** Rev J.E.McCONNELL and R.S.YOUNG attended the district conference of the M.E.Church,at Cordell . **************************************************************************** **********July 8,1910 The Carter Express Calvin ROSSER, O.H. CAFKY,and a number of others from Elk City,passed through Carter Friday en route to the river where they will fish after fish and not suckers. * Harrison SMITH is another man whose judgement is good.He tries the Carter Express and will keep posted on the building of a city. * Dr. G.W.HENRY has arranged for the office formerly occupied by Dr. I.E. GLADDEN at the Carter Drug store.His residence phone is 1 long 2 short 1 long on the Doxey line,and 3 long rings on the Poarch line. * SLATON Bros,'gin was steamed up one day this week and they turned out a few bolts of cotton.Every part of the machinery worked fine,and they are now ready to gin all the cotton that will be raised in several miles of Carter,as they have an 80-saw,four stand gin,with a 160 horse power engine to run it by steam. * Miss Martha BARRETT,candidate for the office of county Superintendent of Beckham County,has just returned from Guthrie where she was granted a State Certificate for Life by the Oklahoma State Board of Education. * ** The new hearing as granted by the Corporation Commissioners,is set for July 15th.Our most prominent citizens feel sure that Carter will get a depot this time.* Extended Thanks -Having been in business in Carter for five months now,I find the farmers in this vicinity have faithfully stood to their pledge in regard to patronizing our little town.I feel it my duty to extend heartiest thanks to the farmers for these past favors.And don't forget that when you want anything in the hardware line,I will treat you right and sell you good goods.When in town make my store your headquarters.Your friend ,J.S.CHANDLER * * George and John WHITEHURST were out from Sayre Tuesday in their auto.They speak encouragingly regarding the new railroad.* O.H. MOSLEY delivered a load of wheat to Carter buyers Tuesday of this week at a price higher than he could get at other railroad towns.* Rev. J.K.WHITE,of Sayre,tries the Carter Express for one whole year.Mr.WHITE has many friends in and around Carter,as he has preached all over this section of the country. * Don't forget that we still have plenty of money to loan you on your farms at lowest rate and best terms offered.You will save money to call on Scott and Gum at Sayre. * Judge John C. HENDRIX will speak on the streets of Carter tomorrow afternoon at two. * **************************************************************************** **********July 15,1910 The Carter Express -*Two Arrest made Since the Carter postoffice was robbed last Friday morning two arrest have been made.Dudley BURFORD,better known as "Preacher," and Andrew MCCLUNG were arrested on suspicion.One was taken to Elk City and the other to Sayre.This was done to keep them apart.Not knowing anything about the grounds for the arrest,we venture no opinion as to their guilt or innocence.We hope they are innocent of the charge,as they do not seem to be boys who would do such a thing as rob a postoffice.We are informed that "Preacher"was taxed &25 and a jail sentence of fifteen days,charged with vagrancy,although he had plenty of money in his pockets when he was arrested and put in jail. ** Texas Land We have opened up an exchange of Oklahoma land for Texas land,and are now in a position to trade your land for land in almost any part of the State of Texas.Write us what you want and where you want to go,and we will fill the order.Scott & Gum,Sayre,Oklahoma.*** About the Railroad Judge RUFFIN and party were in Carter a while Wednesday looking after the new railroad proposition.He is now contracting for teams and men to put to work,and informed us that work on the new road would actually begin in ten days.This looks more like business to us than ever before.Our prospects for a depot are now assured.A new railroad and a depot,all coming at the same time,make the good people feel like they are getting their just deserts.The Judge says he will proceed against the party who accused him of trying to beat his board bill,hence we predict that there will be something doing on the north as well as on the south in a very short time. **************************************************************************** **********July 22,1910 The Carter Express *The Railroad Now Assured -Judge RUFFIN informs us that work will absolutely begin Monday * To Kill and Make Alive - Amos DYER who is busy with the thresher,was arrested Monday and dragged to the county seat he readily gave bond.He was arrested because someone imagined he had something to do with burning the railroad bridge.There were six or eight people at his home who know of his whereabouts the night the bridges were burnt,therefore are very indignant because of his arrest.Of coarse there are some people who "have it in "for Carter and will do all the dirty work they can to down the town.The railroad is against us;the railroad town is against us--all because they don't want the farmers to have any say as to where they do their trading or where they go to get on a train.The railroads have run this country a long time and they are going to continue to run it as long as the common people will sit down and allow their highway robbing methods to continue. **************************************************************************** **********August 12,1910 The Carter Express*Turned Down B'GOSH-R.W.SCHLOTZ says that he,J.D.CARTER,Dibal CLARK,W.R.JONES,J.E.JONES,H.N.OWENS,Luther MCCUBIN ,Mr.STUART,and Henry HON are the gentlemen who were refused money on their checks at the Kempton Bank.These checks were given for wheat by SLATON-SANDERS and were perfectly good,but the Kempton banker refused to cash them,thus showing his utter contempt for the farmers of this country and for those who know Carter will be the town. ** If your blood is impure take NYAL'S Hot Springs Blood Remedy.Sold by the Carter Drug Store. Descendants of Page Four Newspapers Generation No. 1 1. PAGE FOUR4 NEWSPAPERS (PG THREE3, PAGE 22, 1). Notes January 5,1911*The Carter Express* A.S.STETT,of Kansas City ,M0.,arrived in Carter Saturday.He is a carpenter and contemplates locating here.He also has relatives near Doxey.**Frank CRAWFORD,one of our most promising young-business men,left Sunday morning for a week's visit in eastern Oklahoma with relatives and friends.He will also visit his brother and sister in Oklahoma City before returning home.**J.J.CLANCY and family and Fad HILL and family spent New Year's Day at Joe CARRUTH'S,and report a good time and a fine dinner.**J.A.TURNER is tickled about the recent transfer of Doxey Route No.4 to Carter.The change will save Jimmie a lot of trouble and worry.**We notice that Doc COOK has arrived in New York.He must have sent a North Pole lecture ahead of him,as it was about six degrees below zero Sunday night.**P.V.BERRY has moved from the Fort farm,near Carter,to the Lookinghill place,where he will farm during 1911.**Things were dull at the Kempton school house Monday,with one teacher and four pupils.**J.M.BRODERICK has about recovered from a severe attack of pneumonia.**A.W.STOCKWELL has moved into the new house which he recently erected.**W.A.LEDBETTER and family spent Xmas in Washita county with relatives.**J.J.CLANCY has rented his farm to P.C.SMITH.Mr.CLANCY will try Carter for a while.**The BAGGETT boys are improving their house and barn.That is the best sign of prosperity.**Fred HANKINS went to Carter Monday on business.**Mr.and Mrs.HARTZOG,Mr.and Mrs.SIDDALL,and several others loaded into a wagon and went out on the river West of town and practiced skating for several hours Tuesday.They all report a jolly good time.Mrs.HARTZOG happened to the misforture to fall and cut a severe gash on her head which necessitated the doctor to take several stiches.others in the crowd got several bumps but none so severe as Mrs.HARTZOG.******DEATH OF MR.SIMMONS ******Mr.SIMMONS of Sayre ,father of our E.C.SIMMONS at the Co-Oerative Association,died Wednesday and was buried Thursday afternoon at the Carter cemetery.He was old and had been ailing for over a year.a good crowd attended the funeral at the cemetery.Mr.SIMMONS many friends sympathize with him in his bereavement.**Mr.and Mrs.Lee Montgomery and pretty daughter Catharine ,of Madisonville,Ky.,are visiting with Mr.and Mrs.E.C.FIELD.**It was a pretty sight Tuesday evening to see about 100 head of fat hogs coming down main street.They were driven to Carter by B.B. VAN VACTER and his help,and the hogs were shipped to Fort Worth markets.**T.L.VAN VACTER made a business trip to Oklahoma City and Kansas last week.**Next week we aim to tell our subscribers who will be elected President of the U.S. this year.We know positively who will get the office and will not be guessing at it this election.**Mrs.T.L.VAN VACTER,the wife of our congenial banker,is in Carter this week with the view of looking out a location.We are glad to know that the family is to locate with us.T.L. has been looking very lonesome for some time. **************************************************************************** ******** January 19,1912 *The CARTER EXPRESS*Elect New Officers *The Presbyterian,or Union Sunday School,had a very nice attendance out last Lord's Day.At an appropriate time,new officers were elected for the new year.Wm.FETTES was elected Superintendent Prof.J.E.FOSTER,Assistant Superintendant Miss Sallie TINSLEY Secretary-Treasurer and Mrs.STUART ?**J.G.SIMPSON is back from a visit and hunting trip to San Benita,Texas where his brother lives.He brought back two deer skins.** "Pap" GILBERT says he liked to have "stuck"in the mud Wednesday while running the Rural Free School delivery.**G.F.HENDERSON left Wednesday night for San Antonio,Texas where he expects to prospect and hunt for a couple of months.**E.C.SIMMONS,J.I.BOGGESS,and a number of others went to Elk City to attend the annual Board meeting of the Co-operative Association one day last week.***C.W.HOLMAN dropped a heavy hog trough on his foot one day last week and says he "cussed"in fifteen different languages before you could say scat. (NOTE! Columbus Washington "C.W." HOLMAN is great grandfather to Jearldene HODDE ). **O. VAN POOL was called to Manitau,Okla.,Tuesday night by a telegram stating that his mother who has Pneumonia,was not expected to live through the night.********************************** January 20,1911 *The Carter Expres* Rev.JORDAN will fill his regular appointment here next Sunday at the Presbyterian church.Everybody cordially invited to both morning and evening services.**D.W.BRECKENRIDGE of Beech Grove,Ark.,now owns the McCLUNG property consisting of a nice two-bedroom house and six lots on Millionaire street.Carter property always sells.** Mrs.W.A. WHITNEY and daughter arrived Monday from Maud,Oklahoma,and Barber WHITNEY with the City Barbershop is very happy.They have moved into their new home in south Carter which was erected for that purpose last week.**G.P.McLESTER will speak at Masonic hall in Carter next Sunday at 3 p.m. Subject,"Why a farmer should be a Socialist."Mr.McLESTER cordially invites everybody out to hear him.The ladies and children have a special invitation to attend. **************************************************************************** **********January 26,1911*The Carter Express*A Family Reunion*A family reunion was held at he home of Mr.and Mrs.S.T.McINTURFF,father of S.T. who resides with him is ?ty-two years old;has thirt?children and one hundred ?ten grandchildren and great,great grandchildren.This fine gentleman is still hale and ?rty,and no one at this reunion was more active and jolly in the particitations of the occasion than Grandpa McINTURFF.Those present were :Mr.and Mrs. Dolph McINTURFF Washington,D.C.;Mr.and Mrs. ? R.McINTURFF and Mr.and Mrs.Alex McINTURFF of Hammon;Mrs.Sarah JOHNSTON and son Herbert of Oklahoma,City;Henry McINTURFF of Cheyenne;Mrs.?y BARNES and sons of Hooker;and Mrs.Cory McINTURFF of ?rt;Mr.and Mrs.Homa BURT-?of Poarch;Mrs. Lillie HUNT and daughter of Poarch;Mr.and Mrs.E.E.McINTURFF of Carter,and a number of others whose names we faliled to get.All enjoyed a sumptious dinner and at a late hour the guest parted declaring they had had a Royal good time,*****ARRESTED FOR BANK ROBBERY*****Two men were arrested in Hemphill county by a posse of farmers last Tuesday and lodged in jail at Canadian,Texas,says the Cheyenne Star.Sheriff "Skillety Bill"JOHNSON notified the authorities here of the arrest,and of his suspicion of being fugitives from justice from this county.R.L TRAMMELL,our new sheriff,at once secured Leon YOUNG and his new car,accompanied by H.L.GOODE and wife started on a quick trip to that city.On their arrival at Canadian,Mr.and Mrs. GOODE easily identifird one of the men,giving the name of Tom RIGGS,as one of the Crawford bank robbers.Requisition papers will be asked for and the highwaymen returned to Roger Mills county.and if proven guilty the full extent of the law should be given him.Sheriff R.L.TRAMMELL has had much to do with the apprehension of the prisoner and considerable credit is due him.***W.T.KNIGHT ,our popular depot agent ,is kept very busy these days owing to the fact that the W.F. & N.W.railway has added two trains daily to their service.Not only has the amount ed labor increased,but a larger amount of responsibility has fallen upon his shoulders.Heretofore the agent has had his hands full attending to the enormous amount of freight business that comes to Carter,and now will have to have help.***Met With Accident*** Wednesday evening Riley WOODMAN,while attempting to alight from southbound train at Kempton,fell and dislocated his left shoulder.Mr.WOODMAN was brought to Carter where he received medical attention,and is doing nicely** Will BOYDSTON went to Carter Monday after a load of lumber.**Mrs. S.A.MURRY has been very sick the past week and at this writing is no better.**P.C.SMITH was at Carter on business Monday.**L.J.WELCH has sold his farm near Carter to Mr.SAUNDERS.Mr.WELCH is going to Arkansas.**R.E.BOHANNON has moved on the Pryor school section,where he will reside for the year.**L.F.McCUBBIN had Mr.and Mrs.McCLUG come over from Carter and paper his nice residence.**W.H.PLEW from Rochester,Texas;has moved on the Joe HART farm near the Saddler school house.**W.A.LEDBETTER and wife went to Elk City Monday.**Almer TOMLINSON was in Carter Monday looking after business interests.**School Directors SCHOOLER and JONES,of Carter School,was at Kempton school house Monday and purchased from the Kempton district some desks.They say the Carter School is about over-run.They are employing three teachers now.**To the Public*I take this method of informing the public that I have purchased the restaurant formerly belonging to C.B.MINOR on West Main Street,and will continue the business at the old stand.I will endavor to merit the public's confidence and patronage and respectfully same.************************January 27,1911 **CARTER will soon have electric lights and be in the class of real cities.There is always something doing in Carter,**Uncle Jack HENSON and better half were among Carter shoppers Thursday of this week.**************************************************************February3 ,1911*The Carter Express *One evening last week by eating some head cheese which had been bad in a tin vessel,??poison into them.It was thought for some hours that Mrs.ARMSTRONG would die,but she is getting over it now.The others were very sick,so sick they belived their time had come.The cheese were brought in by one of the neighbors,who had no idea that it contained tin poison.***Wednesday night the electric lights were turned on for the first time and the business houses in Carter were lighted up to great satisfaction of all.Electric lights in Carter YES-we have electric lights in Carter the people's town.**G.W.POTEET who has been confined to his room with rhematism for sometime is up and out again and while he looks a little pale behind the gills,he says he can eat most anything and that without whetting up his appetite.******************************************************************* **********February 10,1911*The Carter Express*The little girl of H.E.REEVES is threated with pheumonia**Mr.WALLER and Mr.GERALD boarded the train Sunday morning bound for Ft.Worth.**Mr.and Mrs.C.C.PRICE of Maud,Okla.have moved to Carter,and are stopping with their parents.***DEPUTY SHERIFF**R.L.McDONALD received his appointtment as deputy sheriff of Carter Tuesday of this week.Lee should make a good deputy.We hope he will prove to be a terror to bootleggers and other law violators.Now don't forget that you should encourage your officer by giving him support and assistance in catching law violators.**Geo.SANDERS,the watch maker,has moved his family from Texola to Carter and George says they are full pledged Carterites.**I have three pure bred White Wyandotte Cocherels of the Trap Nest Strain for sale;.75c each.Mrs.Lucinda STREET**D.B.RICHARDSON and his brothers Paul and Will,came out from Sayre Tuesday on business .Paul the younger,will remain here assisting Frank CROWFORD in Western Lumber yard***********************February 17,1911*The Carter Express*A sister of Mrs.HAUN is visiting from Bellvue,Texas**Jas.WALDROP'S little girl who has pneumonia is better at this writing**One of Mr.WARD'S triplets is right sick,thought to be taking pneumonia**B.B.VAN VACTER contemplates going to Oklahoma City,in a a day or two on business**Mrs.W.G.CARTER is suffering from an attact of rheumatism,which is hurting her right badly,as she can hardly get around.**Several of the young folks from here attended a musical entertainment,saturday night ,at Alfred JONES'near Carter.**Mr.GERALD got back from Texas Monday,but Mr.WALLER did not come back with him.We understand that he went farther on to another part of the state to see relatives.**Tin KENNEMORE,road overseer is having some work on the roads West and North of Taylor's school house.**CARTER ORPHANAGE * Mrs.High left Saturday evening for Oklahoma City with three of the orphan children.We are informed that the county sheriff phoned over to Elk City and had deputy Sheriff to arrest her at Elk City,as Judge HENDRIX did not want these children carried out of the county.Mr.HIGH informed us that it was their intention to place the orphan children in good homes at Oklahoma City,after he and Mrs.HIGH would go down to Southern Texas to the gulf country.It is to be regroted that there was not a thorough understanding about it and thus save the matter of making the arrest. **************************************************************************** **********January 26,1912 *The Carter Express*Mad Dog Bit* Mrs.W.A.TYLER who resides 6 miles Northwest of Carter,brought her son,Elmer,to town Monday for the purpose of taking him to Elk City.Elmer,the 9 year-old boy,had been bitten by a mad dog that morning ,and they took the north bound train to Elk City where a mad stone will be applied to the bitten part.J.Paul JONES,a doctor of no mean ability,with a number of others believe that the application of a mad stone does no good whatever. **************************************************************************** ************Jan.27,1912*The Carter Express*J.L. FORD sends the Carter Express to J.L.FORD at Decatur,Texas **F.T.ALEXANDER has a few choice resident lots for sale at bargain prices.**Mr.RILEY and family of Poarch were trading with Carter merchants yesterday.**T.H.Brown marketed twelve dozen eggs and 11 pounds of butter in Carter yesterday.**Mrs.Laura SELF is recovering from a serious illness which was contacted first of the week.**Davenport RICHARDSON and J.A.WHITEHURST of Sayre were in Carter yesterday on business.**Eli GRAVES reports that the big barn which burned at Cheyenne some time ago,is being rebuilt.**Walter PARR a barber of Allen?-reed,Texas,is spending the week with relatives near Poarch.**W.E. SNYDER editor of the News,Reed ? family have moved into the Valleau building on East Main street.**Dr.MINOR veterniary surgeon of Sayre was looking after sick horses of Carter and vicinity Thursday of this week.**B.H.HARRIS and better half were in Carter yesterday and returned home with a big load of groceries and dry goods****Masonic Lodge *Having received their dispensation the Masonic lodge of Carter installed their officers last Saturday night as follows: *J.C. ALLEN W.M.;*D.C.ALLSUP,S.W.;*L.H.DALTON,J.W. ,*J.Paul JONES,Treasure;*Thos.T.WAGGONER,Secretary;M.MARTINDALE,S.D. ;*U.N.WALDROP,J.D.;**W.L. CECIL,S.S.;*J.M.BREEZE,J.S.;*W.SPIES,Tyler;Seven potitions for degrees were received the first meeting night after the dispensation papers were received.The Masonic lodge at Carter promises to be among the best in Western OKLAHOMA.****For Sale-a good young male hog,weight about 150 pounds Will sell right.Call and see me on West Main-W.H.MORROW.**Dr.B.C.Smith the Sayre dentist makes regular trips to Carter,and is doing a good business.**Dr.G.W.MURPHY who happened to an accident two months ago after which he underwent an operation,is up and walking about we are pleased to say.He was confined to his bed six weeks during which time Carter has doubled in population,business and enterprise.Dr.MURPHY will go to the depot the first place on getting out of doors.He is auxious to see just how much the town has grown and wants to begin by visiting the depot first,which was not here when he was hurt.**T.D.SCOTT and Allen PARR went to Sayre Saturday after money for the Urban school district. **************************************************************************** ********** February 2,1912 *The Carter Express*Killed In The Gin *Efford HOLMAN,the 18-year old son of Mr.and Mrs.C.W.HOLMAN,was caught in the mail shaft of The SANDERS-Slaton gin here last Saturday morning at 10 o'clock and was so mangled up and bruised that he died four hours later.The gin was started and was in full motion,when a belt slipped.Efford went down to the main shaft to replace the belt ,and at the same time his father was trying to put the belt on up above.After placing the belt,Efford stood too near the main shaft,and a set scrw caught in his jumper,and before he knew it his clothing was wound around the shaft and he was going around the shaft at a very fast speed,his legs stricking a 2X12 edgeways on the bottom part of the shafting.Both legs were broken off just above the ankles one arm broke in two or three places and his face bruised.Engineer LANE stopped the engine as quick as possible as he saw the sight ,and friends rushed in,cut the clothing off the boy and carried him to Mr.JONES' residence,which was near the gin.Drs,LEVERTON and DENBY took an operating table down to the house,and worked faithfully with him until they saw he could not live.He talked intelligently after the accident,telling them to hold up his head and feet,that he belived his arm and two feet was all that was hurt.He said;"Tell papa,not to take on so much about me,I'm hurt worse than he is."Efford was a bright,unassuming boy,just entering manhood,and it was certainally a sad blow for his mother,who could not come to see him as she was sick at home.To see him leave home that morning hale and hearty,and to see him brought home a few hours later in his coffin was a sad,sad blow to a delicate weakly woman.His remains were entered at the Carter Cemetery Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock under the directions and by the Carter Socialist Local.***Card Of Thanks *To the humanity of all who showed such love and kindness to us in our bitter sorrows caused by the almost instant death of our beloved Efford HOLMAN,he being killed in the Carter gin,we extend to the friends of Efford and our friends,heartfelt thanks and sincere gratitude,There is so much of the religion of humality expressed and demonstrated in your kind words and help,that we cannot refrain from thanking you over and over again.May we all unite universal brotherhood,in assisting humanity,may be made perfect Let us consider all things well and become brethern in this life and we hope to be lead to the best by our brethern with loving hearts and willing hands.Respectfully,C.W.HOLMAN & Mrs.H.E.HOLMAN **A phone message called Mrs.W.B.ROSSER of Sayre first of the week announcing the serious illness of her sister Mrs.MIDDLETON.She was accompanied by Mr.ROSSER,and they went over after night because of the matter being so urgent.Mrs.MIDDLETON is doing well now.**W.H. MABRA,clerk of the Boggy School,was here Saturday after a shipment of books for their school library.He say's the Oklahoma law requires that all trustees buy not less than $5 worth of library books each year for their schools.The edtor looked over Mr.MABRA'S selection and thinks his selection a good one.**Mr.and Mrs. Lon BRITTON,of Elk Creek,were trading with Carter merchants Saturday.**Wes SIDALL has moved a part of his buildings from Main Street to North Broadway,to some lots he purchased especially for a home in Carter.He expects to do Quite a bit improving on these lots.**M.M.WALDROP sends the home paper to A.J.WALDROP,Lynnville,Tenn.,for three months.** Mrs.Lula MELVIN is at Drummon,Okl.,assisting in a Holiness meeting.She is an excellent singer.**Rev.E.L.WILSON,Presbyterian evangelist,of Oklahoma City,will preachin Carter on the first Sunday in Feb.All invited out.**Ben WALDROP sold his Carter residence to Painter PHILLIPPS,and has moved 4 miles northwest of town,onto Gip RENFROE'S place.**Dr.H.H.WYNNE,Specialist of the eye,Ear,Nose and Throat,of Oklahoma, City,wil be professionally in Carter Tuesday,Feb.,6th.The scientific application of lenses,(glasses)to the eye receives my attention.**Standley J.CLARK,the Socialist Orator,of wonderful magnetic power,eloquence.and personal magnatism,spoke to a packed house in the Brownlee brick building Wed.night.There must have been 800 or a 1000 people out to hear what the Erick Democrat called "the long haird donkey".If he is a donkey he done some of the most intelligent "braying"we have heard in many moons.We are not a Socialist,but we can readily tell the difference from a plain,intelligent,and logical lecture on political economy and the braying of a political jackhorse.**NOTICE-All parties are hereby notified to clean up back alley's,yards,etc,in the business and resident part of Carter.Any person failing to so clean up before Feb.the 10th 1912,will be fined not less than $5. nor over $25,in accordance with ordinance No 12 of the town of Carter .E.C.WOODS,City Marshal.**City Mayot,J.D.McCARTY,one of the principal stock holders of the Carter State Bank,has our thanks for a renewal of his subscription to the Carter Express .Mayor McCarty says he notices that they have Miningetis down at Mangum,and that these back alleys,yards and streets of Carter must be cleaned up by 1st Feb.and not later than Feb.the 10th,anyway.**Brock BEALL and family bought out the W.F.GAMBLIN residence and have moved into same.They came here from near Reed Greer County.**J.H.DAVIS called Wed.and paid for the Express to go to his brother,W.J.DAVIS,Chico,Texas for six months,Thank you Mr.DAVIS.** Byron CLANCY,Carter R 2, is flying around on a bran new Harly-Davison twin cyl.motorcyle Can speed up to 80 miles an hour when necessay,and slow down to a "fox trot"when he desires.**Rev.A.S.DAVIS,of six miles west,loaded a car with 46,000 pounds of corn here Wed. He shipped it to Altus where corn is needed.Mr.DAVIS received 70 cents per bushell on board cars Carter.**The Ladies Home Mission Society met with Mrs.Chas.PERRY Monday afternoon with eight present,and had a very pleasent meeting.Next week they meet on Thurs.with Mrs.REES.**J.R.HARGETT had his big sale Wed.of this week and he and family will soon be off for San Benito,Texas.His farm has been rented out and they will be back in Oklahoma in less than two years,mark that prediction ****************************** **February 9,1912*The Carter Express*C.E.HINEMAN and John CRABTREE are arranging to move to Eastern Oklahoma.Mr.HINEMAN rented out his place,while Mr.CRABTREE has sold his.**The 16 months old baby of Mrs. Lillie HUNT,who resides down on the river,fell off the poarch Wed. and broke her arm just above her wrist.She is doing nicely since the wound has been splinted.** Mrs.J.S.DENBY,mother of our popular Dr.DENBY,will receive the Carter Express for one year through the generosity of the Dr. She lives at Smithville,Tenn.Thanks Dr.DENBY.** J.C.ALLEN is now a partner of O.C.HARTZOG,J.J.CANCY retiring from the firm.The new firm named is HARTZOG & ALLEN.They handle farm loans,insurance and real estate,and make a speciality of trades.**Wm.STEELE is moving his 18 room three story hotel onto two cornor lots,just across the street from REES Merc.Co.,one block East of the depot,north front.Mr.FERGUSON,of Elk City,has made arrangements to buy the building and lots,as soon as it's located in as good condition as it now stands.It will be used as a hotel by Mr.FERGUSON,if he buys.******** ****** *March 15,1912 *The Carter Express*Mrs.MURPHY is ill with Pheumonia this week.** W.E.MYERS looked after business interest in Sayre Tuesday of this week.**W.W.SUTTON was in town Monday and Tues. taking treatment of the Drs.**J.J.CLANCY is at Binger improving his farm,preparing for a bumper crop this year.**Mr.and Mrs.TINDALL of Saddler were guest of Mr.and Mrs.Gip RENFRO last Sunday.** Mrs.C.C.LEWELLEN was called north of Sayre first of the week to see her sister who was not expected to live.**Calvin ROSSER,of Elk City,who is putting in a deep oil well at Gotebo,visited with his brother W.B. here Wednesday.**Mr.Birt HUNT had four guest out to six o'clock dinner Sunday evening.Covers were laid for this merry party at the GAMBLIN Cafe.****April 12,1912*The Carter Express*Frank Alexander,formerly of Carter,more recently at Oklahoma City,but as present located with family at SanBenito,Texas,arrived in Carter yesterday to look after business.He says he has never been able to get any settlement with the fire insurance company for the loss of the $10,000 Emanual Bible College which was burned down in Carter last year.**J.J.CLANCY came in last week from his farm at Binger in Caddo County.As he refused to speak to the editor we judge that is a wonderful farm and is making him so wealthy he don't notice common folks.**Mrs.R.L.McDONALD received word from her sister at Wichita Falls that her little girl had meningitis.O.VANPOOL also has a letter from his brother at Manirau,Okla.,stating that the latter's baby has the Meningitis.**Mrs.E.C.FIELD and Mrs.Dr.LEVERTON visited in Sayre yesterday.**W.A.SANDERS goes to Granite this week where he will remain till ginning season opens up next fall.He orders his Express to be sent to that point.**J.M.ETTER an old time Carterite,now located at Lone Wolf was in Carter Wed. looking after a trade or two.**Elder J.A.HIGH will preach at the Indian Creek School house next Sunday at 8 p.m. Subject:"Unity of Modern Socialism and the Bible." ** Judge BROWN of this district,passed through Carter Wed. enroute home after postponing Court in Day County on account of the Court reporter being sick. ***********************May 3,1812 *The Carter Express *A telegram from Joseph S. MORRIS,Muskogee,Okla.,May 2nd to the Carter Express,states that Hon.Chas N. HASKILL will speak in Mangum May the 7th at 2 p.m. and at Elk City on the evening of the same day at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited out to hear these two speeches.**City Council Doings *At a regular meeting of the City Council Monday,J.J.CLANCY resigned as councilman,and R.A.BISCOE was elected to fill the place.E.C.WOODS resigned as city marshall,and J.J.CLANCY was elected as city marshall and street commissioner,he's to receive $2 per day for actual services as street commissioner and to receive fees on work as city marhall.All stock found loose or staked across streets will be taken up and put in pound until paid by owner.Our city council is in good working order now and we hope to see our city pushed rapidley towards a city of the first class.****J.E.GILBERT hands in his third dollar on subscription to the old reliable,and gets the Southern Ruralist FREE.****O.C.HARTZOG walked out from Elk City latter part of the week No,he did not have to walk,for he had a ticket in his pocket.Just missed the train,that's all.Friends say a good stepper as he arrived 20 minutes after the train left Carter.****The Methodist choir will take a hay ride out to Mr.W.H.ALLEN'S place this evening where they will practic singing.****Miss Leona EPPS of Post Oak,Texas,is spending a week or two with her sister ,Mrs.John CANNON at Carter.****B.H.RUSSELL of Elk City,popular candidate for sheriff of Beckham County,on the Democratic ticket,was in town Tuesday looking up our voting population,Mr.RUSSELL is a very popular man where he is known.****P.A.WATSON,formerly od Sayre,lately a guard at the Reformatory at Granite,shot into a cell of boys who were curssing him,and one shot penetrated the heart of Fred RICHARDS,who was sent up from Beckham County for burglery.He was taken to Mangum and gave bond in the amount of $2500,and was released.*************************************June 7,1912 *The Carter Express*Rev.J.W.HALE preached at Belleview last Sunday ****Rev.Jesse CRUMPTON preached at Ural last Lord's day.****Mrs. U.N.WALDROP spent last week with friends on the country****Reg and Fletch GAMBLIN have sold their crops and are preparing to go back to Texas.****Mrs. Mattie CUMMINGS of Carville,Texas,is visiting at the home of her Aunt Mrs.M.GILBERT this week.****Miss Miss Margaret LOGSDON,having finished her school at Kempton,will attend the Elk City normal preparatory for better school work.****J.W.CARROL of Weatherford is spending the week with his parents,Mr.and Mrs. J.B.CARROL ten miles south of Carter.****Mr.LOWRY is the son of Square J.W.LOWRY,one of the most staunch Democrats in this part of the state.Like his father he is democratic to the core,and has acted as Democratic Precinct Committeeman of Delhi ever since statehood with great interest for the party.****Miss Mattie JONES of Evansville,Ind.,will spend a month visiting with her aunt,Mrs.J.A.LOGSDON a few miles north of town.****Rev.W.W.DANNER filled his regular appointment at the First Baptist church at Carter Saturday night Sunday and Sunday night last. ***********June 14,1912 *The Carter Express *****CEMETERY DEDICATION**Minutes of Decoration Day at the Wash Cemetery,May 30th,1912.A very interesting talk was made afternoon by Rev.Jesse CRUMPTON,subject "Neither shall die any more,"after which business session was held.The business meeting was called to order by R.D.ALLEN,and business transacted as folows:a constitution and By-Laws were adopted,and a motion carried to give the Trustees power to fix the value of all lots sold in the future,and have same inserted in the Constition.John PARKS,W.H.ALLEN,and C.H.PAIN were elected trustees.Frank HOLLMAN,Tom BREEZE and Lee DALTON were elected Directors.T.L.VANVACTER was elected Secretary-Treasurer.S.W.SIDDALL was elected Sexton.R.D.ALLEN,Chairman T.L.VANVACTER Secretary.****J.H.WAGGONER is hauling his baled alfalfa to Carter where he gets $9 a ton for it.He has a fine alfalfa farm over on Elk Creek and has been hauling hay to Elk City,twice as far over much rougher roads and got only $8.50 for it .*** From Fri Jan 26 13:01:38 2001 Date: Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:12:06 -0600 From: Jerri Hodde To: David W. Morgan Subject: The Carter Express [ The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] Descendants of Page Five Newspapers Generation No. 1 1. PAGE FIVE5 NEWSPAPERS (PAGE FOUR4, PG THREE3, PAGE 22, 1). Notes June 21,1912 *The Carter Express*Elmer HUNT has accepted a position on the mechanical force of the Carter Express.***W.E.TOMLINSON a prosperous farmer of Elk City came over Tuesday after binder twine and supplies.**Prof.G.W.HUNT of Gotebo,was here Saturday and Sunday visiting with his sons W.E.and Bert HUNT.**See the new Furniture store .We have everything in house furnishings BURTON & DOUGLAS***Chas.Stuart of Weatherford,called on his old school mates,W.E.HUNT and Mrs. O.T.GOLDEN,first of the week.**Mr.OSHUSKY came in Sunday for a visit with his wife He has been looking after some real estate deals in other parts.**Fred V.JOHNSON of Sayre ,Candidate for Register of Deeds was in Carter Wednesday handing out cards and shaking hands with those who vote Democratic ticket.**C.W.GOULD is back at the City Meat Market again **Miss Mable King,who tought three very successful terms of school on Indian Creek,is at Scott City,Mo.spending her vacation with homefolks.**Dr.LEVERTON,one of Carter's popular physicians,spent Monday and Tuesday at Cordell looking after some business matters for his mother.**Mrs.Jesse CRUMPTON and children and her mother Grandma MATHEWS,went to Elk City Tuesday night where they will join Bro CRUMPTON in attending the Methodist District Conferance,June 18 to 21st,*****************************June 28,1912*The Carter Express* Dr.DENBY and wife were Elk City visitors Monday last**Pretty yellow Canarie Birds for sale by Mrs.WAGGONER.**M.E.THROCKMORTON of Doxey came in Tuesday after family supplies.**Mr.OSHUSKEY is at Texhoma putting on a special sale for a dry goods man.****Mrs.Clara THOMAS of Supply,Okla.,formerly of Quinlin,Texas is visiting with Mrs.A.J. HENSON.They are old time friends.**Sunday school and church ever Sunday at Urbanna school house,six miles south of Carter.Those in that vicinty requested to come out.**Mrs.A.D.JONES canidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds was calling on Carter voters Tuesday.Mrs.JONES is making a good race and her chances for re-election grow brighter day by day.***Miss Pauline JONES was the guest of the Misses CLIFNERS,at Doxey during the past week.Pauline though a banker's daughter,wants to make a "pretty country maiden"the sweetest flowers that bloom.**Lily FINCH has just returned home after a 3 week visit with her old time friend in Roger Mills County,she says she had a high time,going to parties and ice cream suppers.They think lots of Lily up in that part of the county.One boy bought a new buggy just for her to reide in.****CARD OF THANKS**We certainly appreciate the kindness shown us during the sickness and death of our loved one,Mrs.C.W.HALLMARK,and fail to find words which will express the graditude of our hearts .These good Christian deeds will never be forgotten by us and our blessed Christ will never pass such devotion to the sick and disstressed by unnoticed.May God attend you in every hour of need is our prayer.Mrs.E.R.JENNINGS,Mrs.G.F.HENSON ****Prof.G.W.SHIPMAN and wife closed and exceedingly successful 7-month term of school at Poarch June 20th.They did credit to the board,the citizenship,and ever scholar attending school.We wish them well where ever they may cast their lot.****Prof.J.W.WHEAT and wife moved over from Granite last Friday.We heartily welcome these good people to our city.****Preacher Tom ROGERS formerly of Carter at San Jon, N.M. was in Carter last week looking after real estate.Miss Lela COPP returned home with him for a visit with her cousins.Mr.ROGERS can't get rid of that longing to be back in Carter.**********************July 19,1912 *The Carter Express*Mr.McDUFF has a letter from his brother Fred of Birmingham,Ala.,stating that a friend writes from China,stating that they have a scourge "Typhus"Fever over there,that 28 persons died in one day.It is the more severe from the fact that parties taking the disease are said to live only two hours.***Mr.HOHN is recovering from the blow received from the handle of a pitchfork one day last week.***Prof.O.E.HILTON of Erick,candidate for Supt of Schools,was in Carter again Saturday.***Never before in our political history has the issue been so plain.It is war to the knife between conservatism and progress The banner of TAFT means conservatism.The banner of WILSON means reform.The great interests were triumphant at Chicago and a reactionary won the people were victorious at Baltimore,and a progressive won There can be no mistake as to the issue.It is the people or the interests-which?****E.H.GIPSON was in Elk City saturday looking after his candidacy for the office of county judge.He informs us that everything is looking favorable for his election and that he is feeling confident of his success.During his term of office as county attorney he never shirked his duty in any way and says that he will continue to see that all the laws are inforced during the remainder of his term,regardless of what the consequences might be.This is the right spirit and is sure to meet with the approval of the voters.-Beckham County News ********************************July 26,1912*The Carter Express*Miss Martha BARRETT,subject of the above sketch has taught often very successful schools in Beckham county during the past seven years.Two years ago Miss BARRETT was successful in defeating Prof.A.R.HARRIS,a very well known educator of Oklahoma for the office of County Supt.of this county.****In the Vote against Pool Halls last Friday night ,the pool halls were voted out by 40 against to 30 votes for them to remain here.It is now up to the City Council to declare them a nuisance,as said council did not care to take the responsibility to act without a voice of a majority of the citizens in the matter,a vote was taken ****Mr.and Mrs.R.B.ROGERS of Wheeler,Texas spent a portion of last week visiting with the editor and wife,leaving Carter Monday morning for the South Plains country,where Mr. ROGERS expects to look at a ranch of 8 or 10 sections of land to erect a new home.**************************August 9,1912 *The Carter Express*In responce to our call for assistance to beautify the school ground a number of people ,some with teams met last friday morning and worked faithfully until about 5 o'clock.The names of those who helped with the work are MESSRS,S.B.,TABOR,Wm FETTES,Roy TABOR,Forest TABOR,Walter ROSS,Homer KING,T.B.DAVIS,Joshua DAVIS,M.M.McMILLIAN,Tom ALLEN,Thomas FOX,Curtis SIMMONS,Howden GLASGOW,and Myron WHEAT ****Lum RIDLEY threshed out 450 bushels of wheat****Mrs.Mamie STATHOPULO of Oklahoma City is visiting with her sister Mrs.J.A.LANE and other relatives.***Preacher L.BROWN is back from Manitan,Oklahoma,where he held a protracted meeting.He is now in a meeting in Kempton.***Oscar TABOR and wife returned last week from Arkansas where they have lived for sometime.They like Beckham County best,They all return sooner or later,like the "Cat came back".***Russ WOODS who is the father of a bran new boy' a full fledge Socialist at that,and M.THROCKMORTON,of Doxey,were buying family supplies of Carter merchants latter part of the week.****We are requested to announce that the Holiness meeting will begin Friday night before the first Sunday in September.Eld,DOBBS will assisted in the meeting by other preachers.***Eld.CRUMPTON closed out his two weeks meeting at delhi with 37 conversions.He reported a great meeting and good attendance except a day or two when it rained.He hopes to have a greater meeting than that at Carter.****A.R.JACKSON one of our popular merchants says he has done better business in the last two weeks than he has for several months.Receipts up to last evening show Mr.JACKSON'S business to have doubled over previous weeks.****High School summer term of school opened Monday morning with 14 in attendance.We learn of others who will enter soon.The names of those who entered are MESSERS,Byron CLANCY,Walter ROSS,Roy HUNT,Robert ROSS,Aubrey DOUGLAS,Irvin MAINARD,Joshua DAVIS,Forest TABOR,Donald SCHOOLER,Misses Julia HIGH,Margie MAGILL,Grace ALLEN,Gladys VANVACTER,and Mrs.Emma ROWEN.********Mr.and Mrs.J.H.WAGGONER of Elk City,entertained a number of their friends on West Locust Street last Tuesday that being their 40th wedding anniversary.They were married 40 years ago at Russellville,Ky.,since which time they have been blessed with a family of six boys and three girls,all of whom are married and gone from home except the two younger ones who died some years ago.A delightful time is reported by those who attended the anniversary.****S.L.GAMBLIN and better half have been enjoying several boxes of peaches as ever came to Carter.They were shipped to Mr.GAMBLIN by his sister Mrs.Abby STRIBLING,of Sulpher Springs,Texas ******************August 16,1912*The Carter Express* Dr.J.M.DENBY may be seen flying about looking after his patients in a bran new two passenger Ford AUTO which he puchased last week.***Mr.and Mrs.John FRITCH spent several days of last week on their farm North of Elk City. *****School News Since our last writing,the following pupils entered school:Roy TABOR,Lowe SIDDONS,Orion BUNDY,Miss Iris MORSE,*****DIED*Frank Emanuel JONES was born Oct.1,1881,and died August 10,1912.He leaves a father,mother,two sisters and three brothers.*****D.O.WILMOUTH Sundayed with home folks at Mangum.***Robt.SCHLOTZ threased out 450 bushels of wheat this season.***Press ROGERS wheat crop netted him about 190 bushels.***S.T.MCINTURFF and family spent the past week with his sister at Oklahoma City.****Mr.and Mrs.BLEDSOE of near Poarch have a baby which is quite sick at this writing.***C.H.GRIFFITH of Lone Wolf,a baker,was in Carter Saturday looking after business matters.****Mrs.O. VANPOOL spent five days of last week visiting with her daughter Mrs.Tivie TRIMBLE at Vici,Oklahoma.****W.R.GILILLAND pssed thru Carter Friday enroute to the Spring Creek school house.********************************************************************** *********August 22,1912 *Sayre Headlight *Carter Much Stirred by Sunday Shooting Affair Lee MCDONALD Shot George SANDERS,Hitting him four times,Yet SANDERS Still Lives--MCDONALD in jail awaiting Preliminary Tomorrow.Carter is gaining considerable notoriety from the shooting affair which took place in that burg Sunday forenoon,both of the interested parties being prominent citizens.Carter residents have manifested a very reluctant disposition when it came to talking about the affair,and there may be some surprises when the affair is finally aired in court,as it seems bound to be.It seems that about 10:30 Sunday morning Lee MCDONALD met George SANDERS on the street and immediatoly opened fire upon him with a 38 calibre revolver.The first shot struck SANDERS in the face slightly to the right of his nose,and glanced along the cheek bone,passed around to the back of his neck,where it came out.As SANDERS fell MCDONALD continued firing,three other shots taking effect,making a total of four out of five hitting the victim.Two of these shots hit SANDERS in the abdomen but owing to his position glanced along a few inches and came out without inflicting but little more than a flesh wound -not penetrating the abdomen.the fourth shot struck Sanders about where his mother used to apply her slipper,and is likely to prove the most troublesome of his wounds.Immediately after the shooting MCDONALD went down town and gave himself up,asking that he be brought to Sayre and turned over to the sheriff.Deputy ROGERS and Lum RIDLEY came over with him,arriving in Sayre in the early afternoon,when MCDONALD was placed in the county jail where he has since been confined.SANDERS was picked up and taken to his home,immediately after the shooting,and physicians declair that unless complications set in he will be able to be out again in a very short time,none of his wounds being necessarily of a dangerous nature.**From other sources the Headlight learns that MCDONALD'S 15 year old daughter claims that SANDERS had been making improper advances to her,and that while at his home that morning the father had been told of this action of SANDERS whereupon he started out,with the results as mentioned above.Rumor has it that there are several other features that will come to the front but as to these we have been able to secure no vertification.SANDERS conducted a jewelry store and barber shop at Carter.********************September 6,1912 *The Carter Express*An Express subscriber requests us to announce that Lecturer,H.L.A.HALMAN,the funny man,from Texas,will speak on the streets of Carter tomorrow afternoon,****Carpenter Cecil SUMMERS is preparing to erect a neat 4 room cottage on his four lots at the South end of East First Street.Cecil is considered one of the best carpenters and cabinet makers in Western Oklahoma.*****Sheriff COPE,his wife,Mr.and Mrs. John WHITHURST,Mrs. Goldie HUGHES,of Sayre,passed thru Carter first of the week in autos,to attend the Baptist Association at Retrop.Grandma VAN VACTER of Elk City,passed this way headed for the Association.****N.D.BINGHAM and wife visited with Mr.and Mrs. W.H.ALLEN latter part of the week.***R.E.CLINE of Oklahoma City foremely Mill Man of Sayre was in Carter Saturday looking after some collections.****Tom SHEPARD and wife of Oklahoma City came in first of the week for a few weeks visit with their parents Mr.and Mrs. Harry SHEPARD.***J.F.MAGNESS was in town Monday and renewed his allegiance to the time honored Carter Express.***Ollie MCDONALD is in Texas,gone there to pick cotton.***L.F.MCCUBBIN brought in a nice water mellon Tuesday to try on our prize offer.*****Mr.Stork left a fine boy at the home of Mr.and Mrs. J.B.BALEY Sunday morning last.Mother and baby doing nicely while Mr.J.B.walks about with a high look and a proud heart and an air which would indicate that he belongs to the millionaire gang.Yes this is the sixth boy for Mr.BALEY.****Miss Margarette MCKENZIE one of our popular teachers for Carter High School,arrived home first of the week from an extended visit with relatives and friends at Loydminister,Alberta Canada and other Northern points.She reports a most enjoyable trip.****Rev.CRAWFORD,pastor of the First Baptist church of Elk City,Sebe THOMAS,of New Mexico,B.D.GRIGGS of Mangum,Rev.MCCHRISTAIN of Texas county,Texas,W.W.DANNER of Carter,and several other Baptist preachers got off the train here Tuesday morning and took conveyance out to Cedar Top to attend the Baptist Associaton.****M.M.MCMILLIAN,one of our most prosperous farmers near town,has many nice things to say about our excellant crop prospects.Mr.MCMILLIAN says this years cotton crop promises the best yield we have had for years,while the feed crop is a big one.He is making twice as much feed stuff as he realy expected.We need more such good farmers as M.M.MCMILLIAN.****Judge W.R.TRIMBLE,who had occasion to do quite a bit of "courting"the past ditor,s two weeks releives the financial troubles to the tune of a big silver dollar on subscription to the Carter Express.Thanks Judge.****Miss Veran and Mahoma VAN POOL are at Vici,Okla.,visiting with their sister Mrs.Tivie TRIMBLE.Mrs.TRIMBLE will return home with them tomorrow,for a few days visit with her parents Mr.and Mrs. O.VANPOOL at Carter.****Mrs.E.M.HELM of Lindsey,Okla.,spent the paast week with her son J.B.BALEY one mile north of town.****Eld.DAVIS who resides South of town went to Carpenter Saturday to hold a meeting,he being a Christian preacher.****W.W.DANNER and family returned to Brinkman Friday after spending a week with the Baptist church of Poarch in a meeting****Mrs.Lula MELVIN,who has been assisting in the Holiness meeting at Carter,went to Hammon Thursday to assist in another meeting.****Erwin C.WOODS Socialist nominee for County Clerk,fell from a scaffold while working on a barn one day last week,and sprained his ankle so bad he is going about on crutches.****H.L.A.HALLMAN gave us a scientific lecture on the streets Saturday afternoon last.He lectured Sunday afternoon also His Saturday after noon lecture was much better than the one given Sunday afternoon.He shows that he has been a man of deep thought especially along the lines of science and political economy.****Last Sunday night there must have been between 800 and a 1000 people at the Holiness meeting.They have had all along,had a very large attendance.Jerry OSBORNE preached last Thursday night.This sermon,from a Holiness standpoint,was one of the very best ever delivered in Carter.When it comes to preaching or singing Jerry is a "Wheelhorse".It is certainly worth the time to hear Jerry sing,preach or talk in "the unknown tongue". ***************************September 27,1912*The Carter Express*Mr.and Mrs.POTEET are back from a pleasant visit with relatives at Wellington,Texas.**** "Pap"GILBERT,we are pleased to say,is running around town as much as the small children.Mr.GILBERT has almost recovered from his stroke of paralysis.****Heard and son Oliver of Bettina passed thru Carter Friday on their way to Sayre in Mr.BEARD'S "E.M. F.30"auto,to look after some business matters in the capital city.*******************Ocober 4,1912*The Carter Express*SCHOOL NOTES *Miss Bessie BRANNON,who has been absent from school for a few days on account of sickness,has returned.Miss Bess is an excellent pupil.and we are pleased to have her back at school.****Miss Julia HIGH missed one day of school last week on the account of some very necessary work at home,but she thinks she will not have to miss any more unless something unexpected comes up.Miss Julia ia a pupil that any school should be proud of and if she attends regular and continues to do work as she has during the two months summer school,her work will be hard to excell by the time school closes.****Lowe SIDDON,Irwin MAINARD,Walter ROSS,and Robt.ROSS,have stopped for a few days to pick cotton.These boys are all energetic pupils,and we are anxiously looking forward for the time for the boys to enter again.****By mistake Forest TABOR'S name was not included in the list of those who represented Carter High School at the Fair at Elk City .Forest and Roy did a great deal toward wining the prizes for us,and from the first,the boys believed that we would win.****************************October 11,19128The Carter Express*School Opening*The opening exercises of the Carter High School,was attended by a large number of pupils and patrons,is,indeed,very encouraging to the teachers..We thank the patrons for their presence,and more especially do we thank those who so willingly aided in carrying out the program.Bro.DANNER very ably conducted the devotional exercises;after which,he gave us a logical address on the purpose of the school,showing that literary training without moral and spiritual training was incomplete.**Mr.O.C.HARTZOG,in discusing the value of regular attendance,made a lasting,impression upon the minds who were present,and if more of our patrons had heard him,we would have better attendance.**Dr.Jones showed very forebly the importance of accuracy and neatness in school work**Mr.T.L.VAN VACTER made a valuable and interesting talk on a purpose in life**Mr.J.I.CHANDLER,clerk of the school board,made an interesting talk in which he stated he was highly pleased with the interest that the patrons were taking in the school.**Mr.W.H.ALLEN,a farmer,and one of the best men in Beckham County,told us what we could do if people would co-operate,and in his talk,he made us feel like we were attending a nice revival meeting.We would like to have more talks just like that one.**Interesting remarks were also made by Miss Agness SMITH,Miss Sallie TINSLEY,Mr.Jim ALLEN and Mr.FETTIS.****Orlie MEYERS managed the Electric Light Plant Sunday night.In trying to remove rosin from the large belt with a small saw,the saw was caught by the belt throwing it against Orlie's hand and cut a long gash to the bone on top part of his left hand.He went for a doctor to dress the hand and while away gasoline ran out in the can,so we were without lights for a few minutes.*****Chas.GREASBY of Mangum has made arrangements to put in the moving picture show for Carter.He has leasted the brick building first door East of KESLER Hwd Co.,and will arrange for the very best illustrated songs,moving pictures,etc.His first show will be put on in Carter Oct.19th.****A.M.ROGERS of Port,route No.1,was in Carter Tuesday after family supplies and looking after business matters.****Coot CLAY and wife came over from Sayre first of the week to see his sister,Mrs.ROSSER,who was very ill.****M.M.MCMILLIAN thinks he will be able to gather 20 bales cotton off of 50 acres.He is looking for cotton pickers everyday.****Prof.WHEAT wants us to announce they have a phone in the Carter High School.The number is 32,call by number.****B.H.SCHOOLER,Socialist nominee for sheriff,spent Monday and Tuesday in Sayre and Elk City,looking after political fences.****Miss Mae and Sweet RUSSELL and Grady GLAZIER,and Geo.GOERHING,of Elk City were guest of Miss Bessie BRANNON of Carter Sunday last.**Miss Bessie BRANNON spent Monday and Tuesday in Elk City.She was accompanied home by Miss Nettie WILSON for a day's visit here.****Wm.V.STEWART made a special trip to this office Friday to see about his subscription to the Old Reliable.******************************************************************* **********Oct 18,1912*The Carter Express* HE MAKES BIG SPEECH AT MILWAUKEE "Rough Rider" Shows lots of Grit after ASSASSAN'S Buttet Pierced Body** Last Monday night,as Colonel ROOSEVELT,Progressive candidate for President,had entered his auto to go to the auditorium to make a speech,he was shot in the right breast with a 38 calibre pistol in the hands of a fanatic, who gave his name as John SCHRENK. Teddy's secretary,who is a 6 foot athelete,sprang out of the auto onto the assassin,threw him to the ground,releaved him of his gun,and holding it up said:"here it is Colonel. Hundreds of voices yelled "lynch him" but Mr.ROOSEVELT quieted the throng by assuring the people that he was not hurt.The Col.then proceeded to the auditorium where he made a rousing big speech,with a bullet inside his body,against the protests of his private physican.Talk about courage,that is some courage.After the speech he was hurried to the hospital,placed on the operating table and an Xray machine applied to locate the bullet.*****M.C.BAGGETT and brother were in Carter Saturday watching the big crowd of shoppers .These two boys are among our very best farmers,and expect 20 or more bales of cotton off their farm just north of Carter.***R.WOODMAN and G.W.POTEET have finished quite a nice addition to the Prairie View School.******************October 25,1912 *The Carter Express* SCHOOL NOTES* The names of the pupils who have entered school since the last write up of the school notes are as follows: * Laura DAVIS * Bertha BROWN * Willie WALDROP * Edna JONES * Herbert BREEZE * Bryan WAGGONER * Regnald ALLEN *Mattie THOMAS * Joel THOMAS * Alpha JONES * Walter BROWN * Marie VAN VACTER * Ruth ALLEN * Luther SIMMONS * Conly CLANCY * Curtis SIMMONS * Alma JONES * and Gladys GRAVES Respectfully,J.W.WHEAT Prin.