Beckham County, OK - Obits: Alvin D. and Wilbur B. Biggs, 1901 29 Aug 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ BIGGS, ALVIN D. BIGGS, WILBUR B. (6 Jun 1901, Unidentified newspaper, Beckham Co, OK): Chas. Stevens came in last Sunday evening from Stevens Bros ranch, located on Middle Buffalo, for supplies. He reported that Mr. and Mrs. V. Biggs of that vicinity had buried two children within the past two weeks, one an infant daughter, the other Albert, a lad 17 years old. Death was caused by diphtheria. Mr. Stevens also reported the patrons of Sweetwater postoffice taking steps to secure a daily mail service. (Cemetery records: Buffalo Cemetery, Beckham Co, OK: Alvin D. Biggs, born 14 Oct 1884; died 30 May 1901; Wilbur B. Biggs, born 28 Jan 1899; died 20 Mar 1901.)