Beckham County, OK - Obits: Morris Gilbert, 1916 12 Feb 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ GILBERT, MORRIS (17 Mar 1916, The Carter Express, Carter, Beckham Co, OK): M. Gilbert, who was familiarly known as "Pappy" Gilbert, and of whom mention was made in last week's issue of the Express as being very low, died about 12 o'clock Saturday night. He had been sick a long time and suffered a great deal during his long illness. He had had several strokes of paralysis along at different times which of course weakened him more and more until he finally gave way under the strain. Mr. Gilbert was born in Fannin county, Texas, July 18th, 1842, which would make him over 73 years of age at the time of his death. He was married to Miss H. B. Thomas, January 18, 1866, four children being born to the union: M. R. Gilbert, J. E. Gilbert, W. T. Gilbert, M. A. Nixon. "Pappy" was a very jovial man for his age, so long as he was able to get around, and everybody liked him and had a good word for him whenever they met him. The remains were buried in the Carter Cemetery Sunday afternoon, a large congregation of people being present. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. B. D. Griggs, of Carter, after which the Masonic Lodge of this place took charge and he was given a masonic burial, having been a prominent member of that order for over 43 years. The Express joins the people of Carter and surrounding country in extending sympathy to the bereaved relatives. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: