Beckham County, OK - Obits: Elizabeth Andrews, 1928 31 July 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ANDREWS, ELIZABETH (19 Jan 1928, Elk City newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): ELIZABETH ANDREWS Elizabeth Rigney, mother of Mrs. J. J. Robertson and Mrs. Margaret Judy of this city, was born in Point Edward, Ontario, Canada, January 22, 1852, where she grew to young womanhood, and was united in marriage to John Andrews in 1872. They moved to Greenleaf, Kansas, where they resided for a short time, then to Burr Oak, where they made their home continuously from that time under the death of the husband, September 12, 1907. After that, until last spring, Mrs. Andrews made her home with her daughter, Mr. H. A. Monbeck, and then with another daughter, Mrs. J. J. Robertson of this city, until her departure from this life January 6, 1928. Mrs. Andrews was a member of the Catholic church from childhood. She was a devoted mother and wife, sacrificing comfort and pleasure for the sake of her loved ones. A staunch and faithful friend to all, and especially to the oppressed, untiring in her efforts to do good. Funeral services were held Monday at the Catholic church at Esbon, conducted by Father Barrons, and interment was made in the Catholic cemetery.