Beckham County, OK - Obits: E. M. Barnett, 1916 14 Aug 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ BARNETT, E. M. (13 July 1916, Elk City Leader, Elk City, Beckham County, OK): E. M. Barnett Died at Home of Brother in Law on Thursday. E. M. Barnett, for some time a resident of this section, died last Thursday, at the home of his brother in law, A. C. Whittington, eleven and one half miles south of Elk City, after an illness of many months. Mr. Barnett was 36 years old and is survived by a ten year old son, and a number of relatives. His wife died about two years ago. The remains were prepared for burial by Grubitz & Son and were shipped on Friday to the former home of the deceased at Newburn, Tenn and were accompanied by the little son of Mr. Barnett and Mr. Whittington. (Research: Newbern, Dyer County, Tennessee, Hurricane Hill Cemetery: E. M. Barnett, born 2 Jan 1880; died 7 July 1916; Elma Barnett, born 25 May 1888; died 16 March 1915, wife of E. M.)