Beckham County, OK - Obits: Ruth (Fields) Bonner, 1912 16 Sep 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ BONNER, RUTH (FIELDS) (14 Nov 1912, Thursday, Elk City Record, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Mrs. Ruth Fields Bonner died at the Elk City Hospital, Monday afternoon of blood poisoning. She was married to W. T. Bonner eleven years ago. To this union were born four boys, aged ten, eight, six and four, who survive her. She leaves besides her husband and sons, her mother, Mrs. Fields, Buford, better known as "Boots" Fields, Mrs. B. D. Cooksie, Misses Carey and Isabell Fields and Boney, who is now with Dr. Tom Standifer at Spur, Texas, attending school. Eight days before her death Mrs. Bonner was brought to the hospital for treatment. Dr. Tom Standifer, an uncle was called in, as the case was considered very serious at the time, and in spite of all that medical skill and good nursing could do she died Monday. Tuesday the body was taken to Cheyenne for burial. Funeral services were held at the Methodist Church, conducted by Rev. Martin, of the Christian church of which church she was a member. The Eastern Star had charge of the burial services. Many beautiful floral tributes were in evidence and the casket was completely covered with flowers as a token of love and respect of her friends. Interment was made at the Cheyenne cemetery. The funeral party consisted of four automobile loads of Elk City citizens.