Beckham County, OK - Obits:John Harvey Brunson, 1926 11 Oct 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ BRUNSON, JOHN HARVEY (26 Aug 1926, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): When John Harvey Brunson, with the quiet of a child falling asleep, passed out of this life, Sunday evening, August 8th, our community lost one more of the pioneers who came here a quarter century ago to found a city in a new country. It is with profound sadness we see these fathers of Elk City gathered in the silent city of the dead, and undertake to pay tribute to their life service. Mr. Brunson was born in Ohio, November 4th, 1854, was married to Miss Martha A. Sharp, December 19th, 1882, at Kennekut, Kansas, and later made a home near El Reno. The move to Elk City dates twenty-four years ago, when there was practically no town or only the mere suggestion of the present city. Of their six children, two daughters died while very young. Four children survive, namely, Mrs. I. G. Houghland of Republic, Washington; Mrs. D. C. McGrady of Mangum; Miss Ethel Brunson of Mangum and Mr. Harvey Brunson of Tulsa. There is one grandson, D. C. McGrady, Jr., an aged sister living a Lima, Ohio, also survives him. Mr. Brunson's business connections gave him a wide acquaintance, while his sterling qualities crystalized mere acquaintance into substantial friendships. Though set aside from active business by ill health for a number of years, nevertheless he was a familiar figure on our streets, enjoying the fellowship of his contemporaries, helping to give that picturesque touch to town life which always goes with a select coterie of men having mutual interests and memories. He was a quiet, undemonstrative person, but could spin many interesting tales of the early days of Beckham county and Elk City. Best of all, he failed not to discriminate between the values of life; early in his days he chose truth, righteousness and Christian views as his convictions, and lived in accord with his faith, unostentatiously and faithfully. For many years he, with his entire family, was a member of the Presbyterian church, giving to it his loyal support for the Kingdom which not only saves society on earth but also weathers all eternity. The funeral occurred from the Presbyterian church August 12th with all of his immediate family, wife, children, grandson present. A host of friends from surrounding towns joined our own citizens in a final tribute of respect. Rev. John A. Tracy, pastor, and the church choir had immediate charge of the service. The fraternal order, the local I.O.O.F., of which Mr. Brunson was a member, acted as pall bearers, accompanied the body to the grave and supervised burial with its ritual. A profusion of flowers arranged by the ladies of the church carried their message of love, and no attention was omitted which might soften the blow to the stricken family and render beautiful the event in every man's career which is so significant and momentous. The News-Democrat joins with unnumbered friends in sorrow for Mr. Brunson's passing, in genuine respect for his life and character, and in acknowledgement of our debt to the men and women of energy and godliness who builded (sic) a city, better even than they knew.