Beckham County, OK - Obits: John Dan Creach, 1925 Thursday, 20 Dec 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ CREACH, JOHN DAN (6 Mar 1925, Elk City News Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Dan Creach, of Hammon, died Wednesday morning at the hospital here where he underwent gall bladder operation two weeks before. He was in a serious condition from the first, and seemed to realize his critical condition. His brother Bill Creach died just five weeks before. They had always been chums, and it was said if one ever became sick the other also became sick, and when his brother passed away, he told some friends that he did not think it would be long until he too would die. The body was taken to Hammon where funeral services were held yesterday afternoon. Dan Creach was born in Tennessee and died in Elk City at the age of 62 years, having celebrated his birthday anniversary on the 17th of February. When twenty-one years of age he married Lucetia Goodman and to this union was born one daughter, who is Mrs. Mollie Stafford, of Hammon. His wife died before he left Tennessee and he and his brother Bill went out to Arizona. From there he went to Iowa and later to Texas and in Sanger, Texas, he was married to Miss Delia Parker. They moved to Oklahoma in 1900 and lived on farm near Hammon since that time. When thirty years of age he joined the Baptist church of which he was a consistent member. He was also a member of the Woodman of the World. He was a good man and had a host of friends. Of a family of six children, four brothers and two sisters, Frank Creach is the only one remaining. He leaves his wife, daughter and brother and a large circle of relatives and friends to mourn his loss. The deepest sympathy is extended by the News Democrat to the bereaved ones. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: