Beckham County, OK - Obits: Bessie May DeLara, 1927 Wednesday, January 09, 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ DeLARA, BESSIE MAY (31 Mar 1927, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): The death of Mrs. Bessie DeLara occurred Thursday, March 24, 1927, after an illness of several months. She was born in Springfield, Ill., and was nearly 55 years of age. Funeral services were held in the chapel of Grubitz & Son, which was filled with many friends. The song service was conducted by members of the choir of the First Christian Church. Mrs. C. W. Gould and Mrs. R. L. Reed sang a special song, "No Disappointment in Heaven." C. H. Lemmex, the pastor, gave an obituary of the deceased and preached a sermon that was helpful to the living. Many beautiful floral offerings covered the casket, one from the daughter, Mrs. Bessie Keys of Dallas, Tex., who was unable to be present, and others being sent by many friends. The Senior Class sent flowers in behalf of the son, James DeLara, who had been a member of the class until his mother became sick, when he had to give up his school work. The Rotary Club, whose members had been very much interested in James' welfare, also sent a beautiful offering. Though left with three children to care for she would not listen to her son leaving school and how anxious she was that her boy should graduate from High School, for she felt then he would be better able to make a success in life, and though she worked daily, she always wanted to stop in time to go home to fix his meals, for the mother love wanted to do all she could for him while he was with her. She wanted to encourage him and thought his life work might call him from her, when she could not look after him. A daughter, Lenora, who had married, came back with two children and she also cared for them, taking the extra burdens as her duty and this gave her less time for rest or recreation. Her son had fixed up a nice home in a new bungalow he rented and he had planned to have her stop working and spend her time at home. She worked until she could not go another step. Friends had a time getting her to the hospital, but when there she appreciated so much the kindness of nurses and friends and gave them many words of commendation. While she was not a member of the church she had made up her mind a week before her death that she wanted to be immersed, but on account of her condition this was impossible. Someway we do not feel uneasy about her future, for we had often heard her say that God knew her heart and she was not afraid. Her many deeds of sacrifice and love will no doubt be remembered by the Heavenly Father. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: