Beckham County, OK - Obits: Isabel Duree, 1920 14 Jan 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ DUREE, ISABEL (6 May 1920, Elk City News Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): DEATH OF MRS. ISABEL DUREE. Mrs. Isabel Duree, widow of the late Avington Duree died April 29th, 1920, at her home six miles east and six miles south of Elk City after an illness of many months during which time everything was done to help her by her family, relatives and friends. She suffered last year from influenza and later was recovering from a severe spell of typhoid fever when her husband was injured by auto last October from which he died. The shock was too much for her and she could not gain strength. How she missed her life companion who had ever been so kind to her. Growing weaker as the days passed by death claimed her just a little over six months from the time her husband passed away. Funeral services were held on April 30th in charge of Rev. Freeman and the body was laid to rest by the side of her husband at Ural cemetery. The interment was in charge of Grubitz & Son. The large crowd in attendance, the many kind words spoken of her by her neighbors and friends attested the great respect and love in which she was held by all. Isabel Cooley was born in Missouri, was married to Avington Duree in 1882. He died October 12th, 1919. She was a member of the Church of Christ and was a good christian. She leaves six children, seven grandchildren and a host of friends to mourn her loss. The News-Democrat offers its deepest sympathy to the bereaved ones. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: