Beckham County, OK - Obits: Velma and Delma Foglesong, 1920 29 Jan 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ FOGLESONG, VELMA and DELMA (30 Sep 1920, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): DEATH OF TWINS. Velma and Delma Foglesong, twin girls aged one year, died last Thursday at the home of W. J. Price at Elk City, of cerebro-meningitis. They were the children of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Foglesong of Hooker, Okla. The bodies were prepared for burial by Grubitz & Son and taken to Hooker Friday for interment. Mrs. F. A. Figdon accompanied the grief stricken parents. Mrs. Foglesong came here four weeks ago to visit her sister, Mrs. Price, and a week later the babes became ill. Everything possible was done for them, Drs. Standifer, Tisdal, Kirkpatrick, also Dr. Stone of Sayre, being in attendance, but the hand of death could not be stayed. The parents, with a four year old daughter, are left to mourn the loss of the little ones. The deepest sympathy of our people was extended to the bereaved ones. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: