Beckham County, OK - Obits: Carl Lauderdale, 1916 17 June 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* LAUDERDALE, CARL (23 Mar 1916, Elk City Leader, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): ANOTHER CHILD DIES. Two weeks ago we chronicled the death of little Jewel Lauderdale, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lauderdale. Yesterday, their little two year old son, Carl, was buried, having passed away the night before, after a two weeks illness of pneumonia. Rev. Boyce had charge of the funeral arrangements. This double sorrow is indeed hard to bear and the bereaved parents truly have the sympathy of all. Their consolation is that they have done all they could do for them and they have the hopes of meeting their darling babes again. A six year old daughter is now quite sick and we sincerely hope the only child remaining to them will soon recover. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: