Beckham County, OK - Obits: J. W. McMurtry, 1920 13 July 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ McMurtry, J. W. (The Elk City Democrat?, Elk City, Beckham Co, Ok, 28 October 1920) JUDGE MCMURTRY DROPS DEAD. Judge J. W. McMurtry, attorney for Roger Mills county, died of apoplexy Monday morning in his office at the courthouse in Cheyenne. Some mean nearby head an unusual noise and ran to McMurtry's room where they found his unconscious. He gasped only a few times when life was extinct. Mr. McMurtry was an old settler in this part of the country, had served the public at many different times, and was at one time editor of the Elk City Democrat. At the time of his death he was one of the presidential electors on the Democratic ticket. John Cassidy, editor of the Cheyenne Star, has been named at state headquarters to take Mr. McMurtry's place on the ticket.