Beckham County, OK - Obits: Willie Alfred Moad, 1901 Friday, 05 Sep 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ MOAD, WILLIE ALFRED (23 May 1901, Elk City Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): DIED. - Willie Alfred, eldest son of J. A. Moad and Noami Moad, at their home ten miles north of here. Willie was born February 5th, 1885; died May 17th, 1901. It is with the feeling of deepest sadness that we write the above lines. Willie was baptised into the church in his infancy. He had lived the life of a dutiful and obedient son to his parents. He was just verging into young manhood and his father was beginning to depend on Willie to relieve him of a great many of the cares and burdens of life. He had arrived at the age and size when his mother looked on his young manly form with pride, and had to reach up to take the kiss from the lips of her eldest boy, that only a mother loves so well. All who knew Willie loved him, and will always remember him as a bright, cheery lad, on whose face was never seen a frown. Just a few days ago, life was all sunshine and gladness to Willie. But he was stricken down with sickness and for nine long days he suffered the most intense pain which he bore with a fortitude heroism and patience beyond his years. His mother prayed the Lord that if it was His will, that he should go, that his suffering might be relieved, before he went. That prayer was answered, and Willie passed quietly and peacefully away. Around the couch of the dying boy stood his friends and relatives, his father, mother and aged grandfather, who has passed his three score years and ten. The scenes of the little Sunday school that he had often attended with his mother, must have flitted through Willie's mind at the last moments for the dying boy, with lisping accents sang. A little later on he said: "All is well with me," and then forever was still. Yes, Willie has passed on over into the Land where there is no record of births and deaths kept, and may all his friends and relatives so live, that they will meet him over there and dwell together forever, around the great white throne of God. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: