Beckham County, OK - Obits: Dr. Wesley I. Wimberly, 1919 Monday, 23 February 2009 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ WIMBERLY, WESLEY I. (30 Nov 1919, Elk City News Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): DR. W. I. WIMBERLY DEAD The news of the death of Dr. W. I. Wimberly, at Hammon, on last Friday morning, October 24th, was received with deep sorrow by his many friends in Elk City. He passed away after a week's illness of pneumonia. Dr. Wimberly moved to Hammon about nine years ago, and with but a few months spent this spring in Louisiana, had been there since that time. His mother was with him for several years and until she passed away a few years ago, and his great devotion to her was often commented about by those who knew him, for he bestowed every kindness and care upon her. Three years ago, on Thanksgiving Day, he was married to Miss Beulah Vanderslice of Elk City, and to them a little daughter, Ila May, was born last March, when they were living in New Orleans. Mr. Wimberly was only thirty-one years of age, but while it seems he was taken so young, his life had ever been filled with kind deeds and good works and he accomplished more than many men have in the allotted three score years and ten. He was a most faithful member of the M. E. Church South, having a heart experience, such as those who enjoy their religion and enjoy attending the services at the church, taking part in all of the departments of work, and was one of its trusted officials. He could be counted on at all times. He had a telephone placed in the church so he could be found by patients needing him in emergency cases, and they always knew where they could find him during church hours. Funeral services were held at the home at Hammon, Monday afternoon. The business houses closed and the large concourse of friends present testified to the great esteem in which he was held by his townsmen. His pastor had charge of the funeral services at the home and the Masonic Lodge, of which he was a member held their burial services at the grave. The interment was in charge of Grubitz & Son, who brought the remains to Fairlawn cemetery at Elk City for burial, followed by a large number of friends from Hammon. A brother, Jesse Wimberly, accompanied by his wife and a friend, Mr. Clemmons, all of New Orleans, arrived here to attend the last sad rites. Miss Alma Vanderslice, who is teaching at Altus, was also here. We feel deeply the death of this noble young husband, father and friend, and the sincerest sympathy of the News-Democrat family is extended to the bereaved ones. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: