Beckham County, OK - Obits: John W. Riley, 1909 Friday, 03 October 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ RILEY, JOHN W. (28 Jan 1909, Erick Altruist, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): Soon after noon last Sunday people from the country surrounding Erick began to assemble at the Christian church. Scores of conveyances of every description brought hundreds of people who, together with other hundreds of townspeople congregated at the church for the purpose of paying a last tribute of love and respect to John W. Riley, who died at his home last Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and was buried Sunday afternoon. Since the beginning of Erick, no person, save John W. Riley, has been the recipient of such a pronounced demonstration of esteem and his surviving loved ones have the comforting knowledge that the beloved husband, father, brother and son occupied a more important place in the affections of his fellow citizens than has ever before been evidenced here. The funeral service was conducted by his pastor, Elder B. M. Hopkins, who spoke a beautiful eulogy concerning him. Elder J. A. Minton, an intimate friend for many years, addressed the audience and his words brought comfort to those to whom Mr. Riley was attached. Mr. Riley had been a heroic sufferer for many months prior to his death occasioned by a cancerous tumor of the stomach. His family physician, Dr. Warford, had diagnosed his malady thus, but about two months ago, the doctor, hoping he might be wrong in his diagnosis, recommended that his patient - and close personal friend - be taken to St. Louis for a more searching examination than could be had at Erick. First reports from the bedside of the patient in St. Louis encouraged his friends to believe that he was not afflicted with a cancer, but a surgical operation performed subsequently revealed that Dr. Warford's diagnosis was correct. Mr. Riley was brought back to Erick in his hopeless physical condition to await the end surrounded by his devoted family. Mr. John W. Riley was born in Posey county, Indiana, in 1860. He was married in 1893 to Miss Alice Kestersen, who as his widow together with four children - Mrs. James W. Gillum, Misses Beulah, Morene and Master Charles Riley, his mother, Mrs. Jos. Armstrong, his step-father, Jos. Armstrong, a sister, Mrs. J. J. Stephens and half-brother Burton H. Armstrong, besides numerous others less nearly akin survive him. All of his closest relatives were present at the funeral. Mr. Riley was an active member and officer of the Christian church; was an exceptionally devoted son, brother, husband and father, a faithful friend and conspicuous as being a conscientious business man. (28 Jan 1909, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): John W. Riley was born in Alton, Indiana, October 14, 1860, and departed this life at his home in Erick, Okla., January 23, 1909, aged 48 years, 3 months and 7 days. He was united in marriage on his 23rd birthday, Oct. 14, 1883, to Alice A. Kesterson. To this union four children remain living, whose names are Mrs. Edna Gillum, Chas. E., Bulah and Levita Morine Riley. He leaves a widow, four children, a mother, Mrs. Charity E. Armstrong, a step-father, a sister and a half-brother, all of whom were present at the funeral. He became a Christian on October 30, 1892, and in the organization of the Cave-in Rock, Ill., church the next day, he was selected as elder for that congregation. On March 31, 1895, he, along with Dr. Warford, was ordained as elder of the Cave-in Rock congregation of the Church of Christ. Brother Riley, in the course of his experience, has baptized many people. He moved to Erick five years ago last October. He was made an Odd Fellow May 27, 1893 by Empire Lodge No. 54, and remained true to the great principles of that great order to the day of his death - friendship, love and truth. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: