Beckham County, OK - Obits: Charles E. Smith, 1921 Friday, 14 November 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ SMITH, CHARLES E. (30 Jun 1921, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): Charles E. Smith breathed his last at the family residence at 1 o'clock p.m. Saturday June 25th, and with his death an exemplary citizen, a devoted husband and father, an active and zealous worker in the Church and Sunday School and one of the best known Odd Fellows of this town, at least to the active members of the fraternity, passed away. Bro. C. E. Smith was a native of Benton county, Mo., born August 5, 1879, and was therefore 41 years 10 months and 20 days old. He and Maude Camp were united in marriage at Chickasha, Okla., on Nov. 18, 1900, and to this union were born the one son Harvey, and two daughters Clara and Francis. His wife and daughters ministered to his wants, trying in every way to alleviate his suffering, borne so uncomplainingly even cheerfully, lest he add to their anxiety, until his brave spirit plumed it's wings for flight to another and better world. A message was sent Saturday forenoon to the son who was in school at Peoria, Ill., and hastening homeward arrived on Monday afternoon's train. Beside wife and children Bro. C. E. Smith leaves a father, three sisters and three brothers. His father and a sister, Mrs. Joe Dufran of Noble, Okla., a brother and family of Amarillo, Texas, and a brother who resides on a farm west of town were here for the burial. Bro. C. E. Smith became a member of the Baptist Church at Tuttle, Okla., in 1906 and was ever a true soldier of the cross. While living at Carnegie, Okla., in 1912, he was first elected a deacon in the Church. At that place he was also the Superintendent of the Sunday School. At the time of his death he was Superintendent of the Sunday School of the Erick Baptist Church and beloved by the young people as he was respected by the old. Bro. Smith was a member of the Order of Odd Fellows in which he took an active and zealous interest, discharging with fidelity the duties of every position to which he was called. At the time of his death he held the office of Nobel Grand. He was a member of the Rebekah. The funeral services were held at the Baptist Church Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock when Rev. J. E. Bell, pastor of the Baptist Church, conducted the service. The following Odd Fellows acted as Pall Bearers: Brothers Jim Richardson, John Burton, Bert Armstrong, Chas. Brooks, Gid Evans and Lee McDermitt. From the home to the church, members of the I.O.O.F. and Rebekah Orders marched on foot with C. J. Schmeizer acting as Marshall, also marching and immediately following the hearse the following young girls, members of Mrs. Smith's Sunday School Class: Misses Ruby Witt, Inez Snell, Ada Earnest, Ethel Smith, Gladys Witt, Gladys Robinson, Grace Wilson and Alma Prescott. These girls, all clad in white, and bearing beautiful floral offerings sent by relatives, friends, Church and S.S. and Fraternal Orders made a picture long to be remembered. A large crowd attended the Church service and at the cemetery the Ritualistic service of the Odd Fellows was observed. Bro. Ab Gilbert acting as Noble Grand and Bro. Smith as Chaplin. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: