Beckham County, OK - Obits: Mary Alice Wright, 1940 Sunday, 22 February 2009 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ WRIGHT, MARY ALICE (13 Jun 1940, Thursday, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): Mrs. Mary Alice Wright The following obituary was published, January 1919, and by request we are republishing it. Our dear Mother was born in Barnsley, Yorkshire, England, July 1, 1856, and died January 8, 1919, at the age of sixty-three years, five months and eight days. Her remains now lie at rest in the cemetery at Texola, Oklahoma. Her parents came to Crawford, Villiage, Lancashire, England, when she was quite young. From there they moved to Skelmersdale, Lancashire, England. At the age of seven years she was converted and lived a consecrated life. At the Skelmersdale Methodist Sunday School she met for the first time John Wright, and after two years courtship, they were married October 21, 1873, by their pastor, the Rev. Wm. Hale. John and Mary A. Wright were the parents of four children in England, of this number, three died and were buried in the Skelmersdale Church cemetery. Margary Hannah Powell, now in Kentucky, is the only survivor of the four. In 1881 they came to America to make their home. In America nine children were born to them, they being as follows: John Wright, born in Phillipsburn, Pa., died in Alabama; Mary Ellen Taylor, born in Pierceville, Ala., now in Wheeler, Tex.; Elizabeth Ann Counts, born in Pierceville, Ala., now in Hollis, Okla.; John Robert Wright, born in Paradise, Ky., now in Altus, Okla.; Edith Beatrice Fountain, born in Drakesborough, Ky., now in Lindsay, Calif.; Jane Alice Frye, born in Drakesborough, Ky., now in Wheeler, Tex.; May Gertrude McNatt, born in Drakesborough, Ky., now in Lindsay, Calif.; Mabel Ruth Biggs, born in Corydon, Ky., now in Plymouth, Tex.; Grace Valentine Wright, born in Corydon, Ky., now in Plymouth, Tex. About twenty-one years ago, Mother Wight was wholly sanctified in the Methodist Church at Corydon, Kentucky. Mother and Father Wright came to Oklahoma in 1901 and settled near Mangum. While in this country Mother Wright gave a great deal of her time to singing the Gospel songs. Her songs and powerful prayers have been the means of saving many souls. She was a powerful worker at the altar and of the Sixty-three years of her life she led a fully consecrated life for fifty-six years. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: