Beckham County, OK - Obits: Neri W. Dugger, 1915 13 Jan 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ DUGGER, NERI W. (Oct 1915, Sayre Newspaper, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): The funeral of the late Neri W. Dugger was held from the Methodist church last Sunday afternoon, Rev. C. A. Bridges, formerly pastor of the Christian church at Sayre, and a personal friend of the deceased, delivering a sermon which included a well deserved tribute to the memory of his departed friend. The funeral services at the cemetery were conducted by Sayre lodge No. 253 I.O.O.F., of which Mr. Dugger was a member. Members of the lodge attended the funeral in a body, thus attesting their respect and love for their departed brother and their sorrow and sympathy for the bereaved relatives who have lost a kind and loving husband, a dutiful and affectionate son and brother. Neri Dugger was born August 21, 1890, and died Friday, October 15, 1915, at 8:30 p.m. The disease from which he suffered and which ended in death despite the efforts of physicians and friends, was of short duration, lasting only from the preceding Saturday - less than a week. He was a member of the Methodist church and was known to his large circle of friends as a conscientious and consistent Christian whose life was above reproach. His last moments here on earth were devoted to speaking words of consolation to the sorrowing friends who realized that his life was silently and swiftly passing away, and his admonitions to his wife, his parents, his brothers and sisters, who surrounded his deathbed, will doubtless remain on their memory's tablet through life and prove a source of inspiration that will guide and lead them in the pathway of the higher and nobler life. His was a most beautiful exemplification of a life well spent on earth passing into that eternal life where pain and suffering heart aches and anguish are unknown. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: