Beckham County, OK - Obits: Thomas Weston Holmes, 1927 07 April 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* HOLMES, THOMAS WESTON (9 Jun 1927, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): FATHER OF LOCAL MAN DIES AT HENNESSEY. Word was received here early Monday morning of the death of Mr. W. T. Holmes, father of Fred Holmes of this city at his home in Hennessey. The deceased had been ill for a period of nearly a year. Mr. and Mrs. Holmes left last week to be at the bedside of his father, when the end came. (16 Jun 1927, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): (From Hennessey Clipper) Thomas Weston Holmes, an '89er of this county, passed away at his home on West Seventh street, Sunday evening at 5:40 o'clock. Death resulted from creeping paralysis, from which he had suffered for more than a year. His condition had been critical for a week or more preceding his death. His demise brought sadness to many friends and neighbors, many of whom had known him for more than a quarter century. Local business houses closed during the funeral which was held Tuesday afternoon from the Baptist church, Rev. J. D. Watkins, the pastor taking as his text the 2nd chapter of John, 25-26 verse. Interment was made in the Hennessey cemetery. The funeral was the largest held in many months. Thomas Weston Holmes was born in Hatfield, Yorkshire, England, March 24, 1850, and died June 5, 1927, age 77 years, 2 months and 12 days. He was united in marriage to Miss Annie Elizabeth Ranshaw March 7, 1875. To this union four children were born: One girl and three boys, the girl passing to her reward at the age of ten months. He was confirmed into the Church of England at a very early age and remained a faithful member until his death. While in Hennessey he attended the Baptist church, being a consistent member of Mrs. Jackson's Sunday School class. He leaves to mourn, his wife, Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Holmes, three sons Fred Holmes of Sayre, Okla., Byrd and Geo. Holmes of Hennessey, and two grandchildren and many other relatives and friends. ---------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: