Beckham County, OK - Obits: Grace Johnson, 1915 02 August 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* JOHNSON, GRACE (28 Jan 1915, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Unusually mournful, pathetic and heartbreaking was the untimely death on the 3d inst. of Mrs. Grace Bonebrake Johnson, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bonebrake, at the beautiful home of the parents on West Park avenue, in this place. The late Mrs. Grace Bonebrake Johnson came to Boulder Creek with her children to reside last October, previously intending to move here this New Year, but called thus earlier by the serious illness of her mother, who has since recovered, but is hardly yet out of her convalescence. Before coming to Boulder Creek last fall Mrs. Johnson had been suffering from a mild attack of jaundice, worse, in spite of the attending physician's efforts, an operation was decided upon. This was performed at the Seabright Sanitarium in the city of Santa Cruz on December 19th last. Sad to say, the operation revealed the fact that the patient was suffering from cancer of the liver, already in an advanced state, and beyond the hope of cure. After the operation the patient's greatest longing and desire was to be brought back to her home and loved ones here. The funeral, which was private, followed two days later, the interment being in our local cemetery. The deceased leaves to mourn her untimely death, beside her greatly bereaved father and mother and afflicted husband, Mr. Geo. E. Johnson, three children, as follows: Margaret, aged 13 years; Eleanor, aged 11, and Mildred, aged 4 years, all residing here. Also an only brother, Mr. H. E. Bonebrake, residing at El Reno, Oklahoma. The late Mrs. Grace Bonebrake Johnson was born at South Bend, Indiana, on July 8, 1869, and was therefore aged 45 years, and only at the very zenith of life, when death came so unexpectedly. When two years of age her parents moved with their family from South Bend to Abilene, Kansas. Here she passed her early youth and laid the foundation of an accomplished education in the common schools of that city. Later she attended Ferry Hall, the woman's department of Lake Forest University at Lake Forest, Illinois, and then took a course at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, Mass. In 1893 the family moved to Oklahoma, and seven years later, or on June 28, 1900, the late deceased was wedded to Mr. George E. Johnson at El Reno, in that state. The following year, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson moved to Sayre, Oklahoma, where until they came here last fall, they have ever since resided. For business reasons, when Mrs. Johnson came here last fall, the husband remained behind to settle his affairs, but was soon afterward urgently called here by the serious developments of his wife's illness. The late Mrs. Johnson was particularly talented and accomplished in music and painting and was public spirited and charitably inclined to an unusual degree. Had she regained her health, she would certainly have become a valuable citizen and worker of our little city. She united with the Presbyterian church when 13 years of age, and took great delight in the duties of an active membership therein. As part of her fine public work, she organized a Christian Endeavor society in her old home place. Since her death, as an expression from her former neighbors and associate workers, the bereaved husband has received the following letter, which speaks for itself: Mr. Johnson and Family: - It was with anxious hearts that we awaited the news of Mrs. Johnson, hoping and praying that it might be news of her recovery, but since it was not to be, we could only go among ourselves as a church family, speaking of the many sweet memories we have of her. On this Tuesday night we meet, as a church, to hold a memorial service in her memory, whose services in every department of the church was so helpful and faithful. Her favorite hymns as we remember them will be sung. A short service of memories will be held, in which we will recall her in the Sunday school, in the missionary society, in the Endeavor, in the choir and in the church. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: