Beckham County, OK - Obits: J. O. Long, 1919 13 June 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* LONG, J. O. (27 Feb 1919, Sayre Headlight, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Word reaches us of the death at Las Cruces, New Mexico, of J. O. Long, founder and former publisher of the Sayre Standard, and a former well known citizen of this city. Mr. Long came to this city in an early day and established the Sayre Standard, and was its owner until December 1, 1910, at which time it was sold to the Standard Publishing Co. Nearly two years prior to that Mr. Long had been compelled to leave this locality for the higher altitude of Colorado. In fact Mr. Long left his home state of Missouri on account of lung troubles, coming to Oklahoma, but after a few years the trouble returned, and he then went to Colorado and later to New Mexico. For a little over eight years past he has resided at Las Cruces, New Mexico, during which time he has paid this city one or two visits. The past winter has been a hard one for Mr. Long, and he has lived in constant fear of an attack of the flu, but escaped until one week before his death. While the direct cause of his death was the flu, still the old lung trouble was the real cause. During his residence in this city Mr. Long made a host of personal friends who have always held him in the highest esteem because of his many sterling traits of character and who will now join with the writer in extending heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. (Census, 1910, Oklahoma, Beckham Co, Sayre Wd 4, ED 16, pg 15A, #1/1 (T624-1243): James O. Long, age 30, b Mn; fb Il; mb Pa; Editor - Newspaper; married 4 years; Adda, wife, age 32, b In; fb Sweden; mb Tn; married 4 years; 2 children born, 2 living; Randolf, son, age 3, b Ok; Julian, son, age 1, b Ok; Neva Scott, boarder, age 19, b Mo; fb Va; mb Ky.) --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: