Beckham County, OK - Obits: Magdalene Steele, 1930 Friday, 12 December 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ STEELE, MAGDALENE (4 Sep 1930, Thursday, Sayre Headlight, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Funeral services were held for Magdalene Steele, 35, at the Methodist church in this city Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Rev. T. N. Weeks and Rev. A. J. Bradshaw officiating. Miss Steele became ill in Oklahoma City last Thursday while visiting her sister there. A hemorrhage of the brain was the cause of her death. Attending physicians in the hospital where she was confined hinted that she could not live for more than a few days after she became ill. In order that she might be at home before her death, Dr. Steele accompanied the Littrell-Moore ambulance to the city and brought Miss Steele to her home here. The ambulance arrived in Sayre at 4 o'clock Monday and she lived until about eight o'clock that evening. At the time of her death, Miss Steele was thirty-five years of age. She was born November 27, 1895 in Danville, Illinois. She attended school in Danville and Hartshorn in the early part of her life. At a very early age Miss Steele was stricken with infantile paralysis and remained a cripple throughout her entire life. In 1918 Miss Steele moved with her family to Berlin where they lived until four years ago when they moved to Sayre. Since coming to Sayre she has become a member of the Eastern Star and Rebekah lodges. She has been a faithful worker in the Methodist church during the past few years. Those who survive Miss Steele are as follows: her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Steele, her brother, Rev. Tom Steele of Sayre, and three sisters, Miss Kathleen Steele of Sayre, Mrs. Camilla Bader of Edenburg, Texas and Miss Elizabeth Steele of Oklahoma City. Beside the immediate family she leaves a number of nieces and nephews and other relatives. One sister, Mrs. Mae Chapman died a few years ago at her home near Berlin and two brothers died in infancy. Burial was made in the Sayre-Doxey cemetery following the service Wednesday afternoon. Littrell-Moore funeral directors were in charge. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: