Beckham County, OK - Obits: Alice Thompson, 1927 Friday, 23 January 2009 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ THOMPSON, ALICE (5 May 1927, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Mrs. Alice Thompson was born March 13, 1874, near Cave Creek, Arkansas. She spent the earliest part of her life there attending state school, taking advantage of all opportunities, at that time, to secure an education and to develop herself for future usefulness. At the age of 16 she joined the Christian Church, to which she was always a faithful member. At the age of 20 she became the wife of C. W. Thompson to which union were born six boys, Oscar, Homer, Hugh, Cortez, Chester and Quentin. For the last fifteen years she has been in frail health and with the family have spent a great deal of time in going to different sections of the United States in search for health. In February, 1927, they came to Sayre from Hobart, where she contacted pneumonia. In spite of a special nurse and two physicians, she passed away on Sunday, April 24, 1927. The funeral services were conducted at the Christian Church at Hobart, in which every protestant preacher took part. She was laid to rest in the Hobart cemetery (Kiowa County, Okla.). She leaves a husband; four boys and a host of friends to mourn her loss. Mr. Thompson has been in the employ of the Sayre Wholesale Grocery since the local manager, Rodney Rook was transferred. He was formerly secretary of the Hobart Chamber of Commerce. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: