Beckham County, OK - Obits: Myrtle M. Basham, 1922 10 Aug 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ BASHAM, MYRTLE M. (Undated 1922 Sayre Newspaper, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): One of the most distressing accidents which it has ever been necessary to record in Sayre took place on Friday afternoon last, and has resulted in the death of a highly esteemed lady of this city. Three years ago John L. Basham was one of the most prosperous farmers in this vicinity, owning 480 acres of the best farming land northwest of this city. John, as he is familiarly known to almost every resident of this section, has for years been engaged in the cattle business, and renting his farm, he purchased a larger number of cattle and took ..... til they were almost worth northing, and Mr. Basham's loss was a severe one, entailing the loss of his farms, and leaving him practically broke. Returning to Sayre some months ago, he has since been engaged in buying and selling cattle, making car lot shipments to Oklahoma City. Recently he has sustained a considerable loss in this venture, and as a result had become despondent. Mrs. Basham screamed and grabbed his arm, and attempted to take the gun from him. In the struggle it was discharged, the bullet striking Mrs. Basham in the left side, barely below the lower rib, and passing entirely through her body, came out just above the right hip. Physicians were summoned at once, and everything was done that skilled nurses and kind hearted neighbors and friends could devise, yet she passed away on Sunday afternoon. A couple of hours after the shooting, and while still fully conscious, Mrs. Basham gave County Attorney Speed a statement, in which she claimed the shooting was entirely accidental, and exhonorating (sic) Mr. Basham of any thought of harming her. Funeral services were held from the Freeman home on Tuesday morning, and very largely attended. Interment was at the Doxey-Sayre cemetery. Mrs. Basham had been a resident of this city and vicinity for about five years past, during which time before and since her marriage to Mr. Basham, had held several positions at the courthouse. At the time of her death, and ever since her return to this city from Talala, she has been employed as a clerk in the office of County Assessor Inman. During this residence here she had made a wide acquaintance, and won many friends, enjoying the respect and confidence of all who knew her, and this distressing accident has cast a gloom over the entire section. (29 Jun 1922, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): Mrs. John Basham Dies. Word was received in Erick Monday that Mrs. John Basham of Sayre, who was accidently (sic) shot by her husband, while attempting to take a revolver from him last week, died at Sayre Sunday evening. (30 Jun 1922, Elk City Press, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): JOHN BASHAM SHOOTS HIS WIFE. Last Friday noon John Basham of Sayre attempted suicide and his wife in trying to stop him in his actions, was accidentally shot through the abdomen, dying Sunday. Mrs. Basham was conscious two hours after the shooting and completely exonerated her husband before Oscar Speed. Funeral services were held Tuesday and interment was at Sayre-Doxey cemetery. Mr. Basham has suffered considerable financial loss in cattle the past three years. He was at one time a wealthy farmer near Sayre. Mrs. Basham had been working in County Assessor Inman's office lately. (Research: J. L. Basham married Mrs. Myrtle Bach, 6 Feb 1919, Beckham Co, Ok, Bk 4, pg 573).