Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Clifton Copper, 1926 Wednesday, 05 Dec 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ COPPER, CLIFTON (1 Jul 1926, Thursday, Texola Tribune, Texola, Beckham Co, OK): Boy Hurt By Horse Died Without Word. Unconscious from Sunday to Wednesday Morning as result of Spinal Injury. Clifton Copper, age 14 years, who was injured when a horse ran through a gate with him Sunday afternoon on the McCrohan ranch, died at the Shamrock hospital, Wednesday morning at 1:30 without having gained consciousness since the accident. It was about two o'clock Sunday afternoon that young Copper and some other boys were riding thru the pasture. He lost control of his horse. The animal ran thru a gate and fell on the young man injuring his spine. He was taken to Shamrock immediately and it was late Sunday before the family could be located. Clifton Copper is the son of Mrs. Harvey Drake of the Zyback community. Funeral services were held at Canadian Wednesday at 4:30 with Shamrock undertakers in charge. -- Wheeler News. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: