Beckham County, OK - Deaths: W. S. Craig, 1911 Tuesday, 18 Dec 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ CRAIG, W. S. (2 Jun 1911, Friday, The Carter Express, Carter, Beckham Co, OK): W. S. Craig, of Mt. Pleasant, Texas, committed suicide Wednesday morning, while visiting at the home of J. H. Craig, his brother, near Poarch. He secured his razor the evening before, and Wednesday morning before daylight, went to a tank on the place, no doubt with the intention of cutting his throat and jumping into the tank, to make sure of suicide. But after slashing his throat three times and kneeling down in the tank, he doubtless downed (sic) in the tank. He doubtless reflected over the matter and decided to try to live a while longer. After this he made his way to C. W. Hallman's and knocked on the back door and asked for dry clothing and a bed. Dr. Denby was summoned, and while he was sewing up the cut, Mr. Craig died, although the doctor used no medicine or chloroform during the operation. Craig has been mentally unbalanced for two months and has tried once before to kill himself with a shot gun. It was evident from what he said that he did not want to die when he did. His family at Mt. Pleasant, Texas, was wired in regard to the affair and they came to see after him. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: