Beckham County, OK - Deaths: August W. Fuchs, 1925 02 Feb 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ FUCHS, AUGUST W. (4 Feb 1925, Wednesday, Erick Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): AUGUST FUCHS FATALLY WOUNDED IN RAID. Last Monday while the Sheriffs force was making a raid North of Sayre, Mr. August Fuchs was fatally wounded. He was shot in the side and rushed to Doctor Windles office in Sayre where he died that afternoon. We were unable to learn the particulars of the incident. SHERIFF'S FORCE CAPTURES 1000 GALLONS OF MASH. In a raid between Elk City and Sayre last Monday the Sheriffs force captured 1000 gallons of mash, 65 gallons of mash, 65 gallons of whiskey and 3 men. (5 Feb 1925, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Monday afternoon of this week, Sheriff Green, accompanied by Assistant County Attorney Minton and Deputy Watts raided a still on the August Fuchs ranch on Buffalo creek, northwest of the city of Sayre. When the officers approached, August Fuchs and a man who gave his name as Doll broke and ran from the still. Sheriff Green, it is said, fired two shots in the air to stop his men. With the third shot the Sheriff evidently intended to stop his man. The ball entered the back, below the right shoulder and came out just below the left colar-bone (sic). The officers rushed Fuchs to Sayre for medical attention, but he died in Dr. Windle's office shortly after arriving here. August Fuchs was a pioneer of this section of the state and settled on Buffalo creek more than twenty-five years ago, where he engaged in the cattle business and controlled large acreage. He was known to most of the people in the county who had resided here for several years. August Fuchs was born October 28th, 1874, and died from gun shot wound February 2, 1925. His wife died something over a year ago. The body was taken to the home of his brother, C. G. Fuchs of this city and a short service held Wednesday afternoon. At 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon the body was taken from the brother's home for burial in the Buffalo cemetery. A large concorse (sic) of friends met at the home of the brother and accompanied the family to the Buffalo cemetery to pay their respects to the deceased. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: