Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Richard A. Fuchs, 1921 02 Feb 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ FUCHS, RICHARD A. (28 Apr 1921, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Last Friday morning about the hour of nine o'clock, when from every direction in the county were coming the school boys and girls to attend the county track meet, a terrible accident occured (sic) on the road about two miles north of this city when 15-year old Richard Fuchs was killed and his brother, a little older, and another companion, were badly bruised and shaken up. The Ford car in which they were driving at a very fast rate became unruly and turned several summersaults, pinning beneath it the youngest of the boys and causing his death about two and one-half hours later. The two Fuchs boys and their friend, Charles West, were coming to Sayre from the A. W. Fuchs farm near Prentiss to enjoy the contests of the county interscholastic meet which was held on Friday and Saturday of last week. The body was prepared for burial and taken to Buffalo Church near the country home where funeral services were conducted by Rev. Martin of that district. The remains were buried at the Buffalo cemetery. The accident served to marr the pleasure of the two days' event in this city and everyone expressed the keenest regrets over the loss of the bright little fellow. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuchs, are very well known in this section of the county and divide their time between the home here in the city and the large ranch on Sweetwater creek. (28 Apr 1921, Sayre Headlight, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Friday morning a Ford car carrying a load of young people headed for the B.C.I.M., in this city, overturned on the highway northwest of this city, near the Gotter farm, and Robert (sic) Fuchs, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Fuchs, of this city, received injuries from which he died a few hours later. Robert had been on his father's ranch, near Prentiss, and with the other young people, was coming to Sayre for the two days sport in which the young people of the county were interested. There were four others in the car at the time, but all escaped serious injury except Robert who was immediately taken to the home of his parents in this city, and physicians called, but to no avail; and passed away about 1:30 that day. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at Lone Oak church, with interment in the Lone Oak cemetery, and were very largely attended by old neighbors and friends of the family. Robert was a lad of fourteen years; and is very highly spoken of by all who know him, and his sudden death is a distinct blow to his young friends, as well as to his sorrowing parents and family. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: