Beckham County, OK - Obits: violet and Zelda Griggs, Loucile Overall, 1918 22 Feb 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ GRIGGS, VIOLET GRIGGS, ZELDA OVERALL, LOUCILE (2 Aug 1918, The Carter Express, Carter, Beckham Co, OK): Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Griggs of Carter were severely shocked on Thursday afternoon of last week when they received a phone message that two of their granddaughters, Misses Violet and Zelda Griggs, aged 18 and 12, had drowned at Mangum that evening, together with a girl chum of theirs named Loucile Overall, age 18. The Griggs are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Griggs of Mangum, Mr. Jess Griggs being the son of Mr. B. D. Griggs here. The Overall girl that was drowned with the Griggs girls was a neighbor to them and resided in Mangum. The girls were bathing in a lake out north of Mangum near Elm river, they in company with others being out there spending the day picnicing (sic). The girls had been in the water several times during the day and the last time they went in where the water was deeper, and the Overall girl stepped off into a deep hole it is said and strangled, and the two Griggs girls went to her aid the result being all three went down together. The Overall girl's mother was present and went in to her aid and it is said would have drowned herself had not Mr. Griggs arrived from the river where he was fishing in time to pull her out. The girls had all gone down when Mr. Griggs rescued the older woman. And by this time he was exhausted himself and had to get help so it was some time before the girls' bodies were found and gotten out. Efforts were made to revive them but all to no avail. The shock was a terrible blow to the parents of the girls. Mr. and Mrs. Griggs lost a young son in a automobile accident only a few months ago and now comes the tragic death of two daughters. The shock is very hard on them indeed. ---------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: