Beckham County, OK - Deaths: J. Q. Hoy, 1916 01 April 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* HOY, J. Q. (3 Aug 1916, Elk City Leader, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): J. Q. Hoy, a well known resident of this section, who lived near the Taylor school house, was killed by a bolt of lightning during the electrical storm which visited the section near his home Monday afternoon. Reports reached here Monday afternoon that he had been struck and was in a dangerous condition, and word reached here Wednesday afternoon that he had died as a result of the stroke. According to the report received here the team Mr. Hoy was driving was instantly killed, and for a time it was thought he had been killed, but he rallied from the shock and lived until Wednesday. Mr. Hoy had been a resident of this section for many years and bore a splendid reputation as a good citizen and useful man, and news of his death will be received with regret. He is survived by his widow and three sons. He was a member of the local lodge of Woodmen of the World and funeral arrangements will probably be looked after by the lodge, although these facts would not be definitely learned at the hour of going to press. (4 Aug 1916, The Carter Express, Carter Beckham Co, OK): J. Q. Hoy, a prominent farmer residing one mile north and six and one half east of Carter, near the Taylor School House, was struck down by lightning last Monday afternoon about one o'clock and died on Wednesday morning about eleven o'clock as a result of his injuries. Mr. Hoy had been over to a neighbor's house and was returning home when the shower blew up and he and his team were struck by the terrific electrical bolt. He was discovered an hour or two after the accident by Will Cain and boys and Marian Moore, he having lain by the roadside in the sun since being struck. He was unconscious but it could be seen he had been moving around a little and was pulling at the weeds when found. He was carried home and although everything that could be done was done for him, he never regained consciousness. The team that Mr. Hoy was driving was instantly killed, together with a young colt that was following. The crown of his hat was gone and an bald spot on the back of his head showed were the current had burned away the hair and his flesh was also burned more or less, as the bolt passed down the left side of his body. Deceased leaves a wife and several children to mourn his sudden passing away. (Aug 1916, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Obituary. J. Q. Hoy was born Sept. 6th, 1866, in Vanzant county Texas, and died at his home seven and a half miles northeast of Carter, Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, 1916, from injuries received two days previous by being struck with lightning while driving along the public road near his home. Mr. Hoy was 49 years old at the time of his death. He and his family have been residing in this country for about nine years having moved here from Kaufman county, Texas. On Feb. 27th, 1898, he was married to Miss Gussie White in Henderson Co., Texas, and who still survives him, together with three children, Otis age 17, Clyde 16 and Oscar 10; also three sisters and three brothers. The writer having lived a neighbor to Mr. Hoy for several years, we knew him to be a kind and loving husband and father who was honored and respected by all of his neighbors. He believed in doing right because his reason taught him that that was the right way to live. He had no words of condemnation for those who differed with him in the way that he believed. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: