Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Dr. O. H. Irwin, 1905 09 April 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* IRWIN, O. H. (22 Mar 1905, Wednesday, Elk City Record, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Death of a Stranger. An old gentleman by the name of Irwin came here from Sayre, near a week ago. He was an optician. He died this morning at the Camp rooming house on north Main Street. The cause of his death seems to have been urinic (sic) acid superinduced by an overdose of morphine. He had the attention of some of our best physicians. But little could be learned of his history as he was in a comatose condition when his case was reported to the authorities. (23 Mar 1905, Elk City Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Dr. O. H. Irwin died at Elk Wednesday morning, at 3 o'clock a.m. of brights disease. He was a well known physician of Sayre, Oklahoma, formerly from Shelbyville, Illinois. His son of Great Falls, Montana, and his daughter of Illinois, and his wife of Albuquerque, New Mexico, will arrive on Thursdays train. (24 Mar 1905, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Word was reached here Wednesday that Dr. O. H. Irwin, who went to Elk City from this place, died there Tuesday evening. He was taken ill sometime Tuesday, and was in a stupor until about seven o'clock in the evening, when he roused up and talked a few minutes with those around him; but again lost consciousness and died about 11 o'clock Tuesday night. There is considerable mystery as to the cause of his death and there was some talk of an autopsy. The body was embalmed and held to await orders from his relatives. Dr. Irwin has been a resident of Sayre for about two years. He owned a claim south of Sayre in Greer county, and had practiced his profession here. He had just removed last week to Elk City. His wife lives in New Mexico, and a son in Montana. Both were notified. (29 Mar 1905, Elk City Record, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): The Dr. Irwin Funeral. The funeral of Dr. Irwin who died at the Camp rooming house last Wednesday morning occurred from the First Christian church, this city, at 2 p.m., last Sunday. The body was held awaiting the arrival of relatives who live at a distance. His wife and a son who live in Colorado, another son who resides in Montana, were present. Rev. Crutchfield of the South Methodist church preached the funeral sermon. The funeral was under the management of the Modern Woodman camp at this place. The body was laid to rest in the city cemetery. (31 Mar 1905, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): The funeral of Dr. O. H. Irwin took place at Elk City Saturday. Ed. Pope, J. A. McDonald and Charley Ardoin were among those attending from here. Mrs. L. A. Irwin, widow of the deceased, and two of their sons, were here Monday settling up his affairs. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: