Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Edgar A. Jones, 1925 04 August 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* JONES, EDGAR A. (17 Dec 1925, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Edgar Jones, 23 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jones living five and a half miles north of Sayre, was shot and instantly killed at the Perry Hotel in Mangum Sunday night about 10 o'clock. George Glidwell is being held by the officers at Mangum, and was taken into custody forty-five minutes following the shooting. Jones was a member of the I.O.O.F. Lodge No. 611 at Liberty and had just received his degree at Mangum last week and was also at the encampment of the order at Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Jones, parents of young Edgar, were on their way to Florida and had reached Clinton where they were overtaken and advised of the killing of their son. The body was brought by his parents back to the family home north of Sayre and Rev. W. S. Deatherage conducted the funeral services Tuesday afternoon at the Methodist church in this city, following the services at the church, the interment was in charge of the I.O.O.F. Lodge of Mangum. The remains were laid to rest in the Doxey-Sayre cemetery. (24 Dec 1925, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): (From Mangum Star): Edgar A. Jones, local plumber is dead and George Glidewell, son of a respected Greer county farmer is in the county jail facing a murder charge, as the result of a shooting affair at the Perry Hotel, Sunday night. Edgar A. Jones, the deceased, had been employed by O. K. Griggs, as plumber and gas fitter, for several months. He had won many friends among the people with whom he had been associated and only last week had completed his initiation into the I.O.O.F Lodge. The deceased was born 23 years ago on a farm five miles west of Sayre and that had been his home all his life, although he had worked in a number of places. He had worked in Oklahoma City for two years and was working in Santa Fe New Mexico, when Mr. Griggs secured him. George Glidwell is 28 years old and is the son of S. B. Glidewell, who lives about four miles east of Mangum. (31 Dec 1925, Sayre Journal, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Glidewell To Enter Self Defense Plea Preliminary examination for Geo. Glidewell, charged with murder following the death of Edgar A. Jones, was held before Justice Thomas Turvel, Friday. (18 Dec 1925, The Carter Express, Carter, Beckham Co, OK): Mr. Sam Jones, a young man living four miles north of Sayre, was shot to death at Mangum Sunday night. The shooting took place in a Mangum hotel about 10:00 o'clock according to the report that came here. The man who did the shooting we understand is now in the custody of the officers. We do not know enough of the particulars to give a report as to the cause of the shooting at this time. Young Jones was a nephew of Mr. C. C. Lewellen of Carter. He had been working at Mangum at the plumber's trade for a good while, was working down there in the summer while Mr. Lewellen was at work there. The remains were brought back to the Sayre-Doxey cemetery for burial on Tuesday afternoon, a large crowd of relatives and friends being present for the funeral. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: