Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Alvin Jr., Delbert A., and Dulcie M. Jurgensen, 1926 16 April 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* JURGENSEN, ALVIN JR. (1923-1926) JURGENSEN, DELBERT A.(1921-1926) JURGENSEN, DULCIE M. (1901-1926) (Buried Mulberry Cemetery, Roger Mills County, Okla.) (11 Mar 1926, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): The whole community is greatly shocked over the sad disaster that happened in the Murphy Gin community last Thursday night. Al Jurgensen residence burned last Thursday night about ten o'clock - burned his wife and two children. They had been away from home and returned about ten o'clock. Mr. Jurgensen started to build a fire and picked up a 5 gallon oil can full of oil and threw some in the stove to start a fire and it is supposed that the stove had a lot of hot embers in it and formed gas which went into the can, causing the ignition. He said he thought he had set the can down before it exploded. It threw oil all over them and set the whole house aflame. He said, they all got out then but his wife went back into the building and he followed her, and searched for her until he was so badly burned and so near suffocated he had to get out. She never got out and the two oldest children were burned so badly, they only lived a few hours, and an eight months old baby was burned terribly but the Drs. say it will probably get well but Mr. Jurgensen isn't expected to live and if he does the Drs. say they can't possibly save his hands or feet. Mrs. Jurgensen's body was brought out of the burning embers about 5 o'clock Friday evening. Her limbs were all burned off. Every one should take warning from this awful fate that befell this poor man and be more careful about the use of oil in starting fires. Card of Thanks We take this means of expressing our sincerest gratitude to the many friends and neighbors who so willingly rendered so much sympathetic assistance during the tragic death and burial of our loved ones. Also thank those who contributed the beautiful flowers. These manifestations of thoughtful kindness lightened our burden through the "Valley of the Shadow", and brought comfort to our hearts which will never be forgotten. Mr. Alvin G. Jurgensen and baby. Mr. and Mrs. John McLane and family. Mr. and Mrs. C. Jurgensen. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Carlson and family. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: