Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Roy Samuels, 1929 Saturday, 01 November 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ SAMUELS, ROY (20 Jun 1929, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): NEGRO HUSBAND KILLED NEAR BERLIN FRIDAY. Negro Woman Is In Hospital With Gun Wounds Resulting From Self Infliction. "Devotion even to death". . . the poets have sung. Which may have been what Mrs. Roy Samuels, colored, had in mind when she shot her husband last Friday evening at eight o'clock at the home of Walter Hannia who lives two miles west and one mile south of Berlin. Mrs. Samuels is said to have shot her husband because he threatened to leave her. She fired two shots, one entering to the right of the spine and the other passing completely through the chest. He died instantly. She then turned the revolver upon herself and a shot came through her chest. She was brought to an Elk City hospital where it is thought she will recover. An inquest was held at the scene of the murder and the dead negro's body was buried at Cheyenne cemetery Saturday. Mrs. Samuels is the daughter of Preacher Jones who lives about four miles west of Elk City. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: