Beckham County, OK - Deaths: J. Walter Sheehan, Henry Maddox, 1905 Saturday, 01 November 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ SHEEHAN, J. WALTER MADDOX, HENRY (28 Nov 1905, Sayre Newspaper, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): BARTENDER SHOT TWO. Killed One and Injured Another of Quarling (sic) Crowd. J. Walter Sheehan was shot and killed here this afternoon and Henry Madoux was badly injured by C. E. Vance, bartender in J. S. Williams' saloon. It appears Madoux and Sheehan brothers had difficulty last Saturday night when friends interfered and trouble was averted. The parties met this afternoon in Williams' saloon where Sheehan and Madoux began to quarrel, and a six-shooter was used freely by one of the parties when the bartender Vance opened fire with a shotgun with the results as above stated. All parties are men of families. (30 Nov 1905, Elk City Record, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Killing at Sayre. Tuesday afternoon about four o'clock, G. E. Vance, bartender in J. S. William's saloon at Sayre, shot and instantly killed Walter Sheehan, and wounded Henry Maddox. The wounds of Maddox, however, were accidental and not serious. It seems that Maddox and Walter Sheehan were fighting. Maddox was making an effort to strike Walter over the head with a pistol, when his brother, Luther Sheehan, walked up and wrenching the weapon from his hand started to the front door of the saloon to throw it out and did throw it out into the street. At this point Vance, who was in no way mixed up in the trouble, fired the contents of a double barrel shotgun into Walter Sheehan's head and face, and turning took a shot at Luther Sheehan who was going towards the door with Maddox's pistol. Maddox, who had his hand about Sheehan's throat or head, lost a finger and received a few shot in the face. Walter Sheehan was a quite peaceable young married man. Vance and Maddox have been in trouble frequently. We are told that the evidence against them at the coroner's inquest was damning. (1 Dec 1905, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Tuesday evening about 4 o'clock a number of shots were heard in the Williams saloon on Main street. Quickly a crowd gathered and the sight that met their eyes was Walter Shehan (sic) lying gasping in a pool of brains and blood, Henry Madoux waving a mangled hand excitedly, and Elmer Vance standing behind the bar of the saloon with a shotgun and warning the crowd to stand back. Officers were summoned, and when Marshall J. W. Dobbs arrived Vance surrendered his weapon and was placed under arrest. Shehan was not yet dead, and he was cared for by friends and doctors, but it was evident that nothing could be done for him. Madoux and Shehan were involved in a difficulty and Luther Shehan, Walter's brother, snatched a revolver as he claims, out of Madoux's hand and ran to the door, throwing it into the street. As he returned Vance, who was behind the bar, shot at him twice but missed him, the shots going through the front door and window. He then shot either once or twice more, all the time calling on the fighting men to stop. As he shot the third time, Luther Shehan stumbled and fell, and the shot struck Madoux and Walter Shehan, the load striking the latter in the top of the head, ranging down through the temple and the side of his face. Madoux was shot in the right hand, losing his little finger. It seems probable that the same shot struck both men. They were across the room from the bar, in the bowling alley. Shehan never regained consciousness, and died about six o'clock. Vance was taken at once to Cheyenne, and the coroner and county attorney were notified. An inquest was held Wednesday by Dr. H. Riley, and the facts brought out were substantially as above stated. Henry Madoux was held on a charge of assault, and the preliminary examinations of him and Vance set for Monday, December 6. It seems that the trouble was the outcome of a dispute which began Saturday night, when Madoux was slightly stabbed in the shoulder by a young man who has been working for the Shehans. Walter Shehan was 32 years old. He lived on a farm a few miles north of Sayre, and had a wife and three children. (7 Dec 1905, Thursday, Elk City Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): The Sheehan Killing The facts in the trouble as we are informed are as follows: Henry Maddox had some words with Walter Sheehan an hour after Maddox attacked Walter in the saloon, beating him over the head with a six-shooter, Walter Sheehan's brother renched (sic) the pistol from Maddox hand walked to the front door and threw it out, they were fighting in the rear of the saloon on the same side the bar was. Elmore Vance standing behind the bar arised a shot gun and first fired at Walter Sheehan but missed, fired a second shot and hit Walter in the head, killing him almost instantly, a few shot of the same charge hit Maddox in two fingers, Vance then reloaded and fired twice at Luther Sheehan as he came back from the front door but missed both times, Tom Hughes was fighting another man during the time, all four charges of the shot gun was located, no other gun fired. At 2 a.m. next morning a shot was heard in the saloon and an examination showed a bullet hole from a .41 calibre pistol on outside of bar. Henry Maddox's pistol, thrown out the door, was a .45. Vance, Maddox and Hughes were all arrested for murder, Dr. Riley county coroner held the inquest with J. W. McMurtry as his attorney. Henry Maddax's (sic) fingers were amputated, blood poison set in supposedly through nitro glycerine powder poison. Tuesday another amputation below the elbow, Tuesday night, Maddox died at Cheyenne. In order to give every man a chance for his white alley, we withhold all comment. (28 Mar 1907, Thursday, Elk City Democrat, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Given Life Sentence. The Jury in the Elmore Vance case at El Reno this week brought a verdict of guilty, the Judge giving Vance a life sentence. Vance it will be remembered shot one of the Sheehan Bros. in a saloon at Sayre two years ago. (11 Apr 1907, Thursday, Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): El Reno, Okla., March 23. - In the case of Elmer Vance, charged with the murder of J. Walter Sheehan and Henry Mardoux (sic), in a saloon at Sayre, on November 28, 1905, the jury today returned a verdict finding Vance guilty as charged, and giving him a sentence of imprisonment for life at hard labor. Notice was given by Senator J. B. Harrison, as counsel for Vance, that he will appeal the case to supreme court of the territory. Ever since the killing Vance has been held in jail, being refused bonds by Judge Irwin. The shooting of Madoux and Sheehan followed a quarrel of long standing between the Sheehan brothers and Walter and Luther Madoux (sic), and in which Vance had no part. They had quarreled on the streets of Sayre, several days prior to the killing and were seperated by friends. Later they met in the J. S. Williams saloon at Sayre, where Vance was tending bar, and renewed the quarrel. Revolvers were being flourished in a threatening manner, when Vance without warning opened fire on the participants in the quarrel, with a double barrel shot gun, killing Sheehan instantly and fatally wounding Madoux. The latter died several days later. The Sheehans and Madoux had quarreled because a farm hand in the former's employ had stabbed Madoux. Walter Sheehan was 32 years old and left a wife and three children. Madoux was 40 years old and left a wife and several children. Excepting Vance, all the parties were farmers. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: