Beckham County, OK - Deaths: A. J. Stratton, 1905 Monday, 15 December 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ STRATTON, A. J. (Aug 1905, Erick Newspaper, Erick, Beckham Co, OK): Sam'l N. Stratton, who lives four miles south of Erick, left Saturday for Ravia, I. T., in response to a telegram received Friday conveying the startling intelligence that his father, A. J. Stratton, had been murdered at that place. We quote the following special dispatch from the Dallas News: "Denison officers were advised early this morning that A. J. Stratton, an aged widower, was murdered at Ravia, I. T., last night. His slayer was reported as coming to Denison on the Frisco Meteor, but was not found among the passengers upon the train's arrival. Conductor Thompson, who was on the train, reported to the officers that he had talked with the man they described, but that he got off the train in the territory just before reaching Texas. Stratton was found lying outside his house Thursday morning with a blanket over his head. An ax had been used by the murderer. Stratton recently received $700 back pension and carried the money in his pockets." Mr. Stratton is one of north Greer county's substantial farmers and his many friends in the community sympathize with him and his estimable family in their bereavement. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: