Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Ledbetter, Anna, Aileen and Irene, 1929 27 August 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ********************************************************************* USGENWEB NOTICE Copyright. All rights reserved. ********************************************************************* LEDBETTER, ANNA LEDBETTER, AILEEN LEDBETTER, IRENE (20 Nov 1929, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): Mother and Two Daughters Will Be Buried At Canute Cemetery. Triple funeral services for Mrs. Ann Ledbetter, wife of John Ledbetter, and for the couple's two infant daughters, who perished in the fire which occurred at their home in Oklahoma City late Monday will be held at the St. Francis church, near Canute, tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will take place in the St. Francis cemetery. Bodies of the three fire victims arrived here last night from Oklahoma City and were taken in charge by Grubitz & Son, of this city. Mrs. Ledbetter, who was about 30 years of age, was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schreck, of Canute, and was well known here. Mr. Ledbetter's mother, Mrs. Carrie Ledbetter, lives three miles southeast of this city. Poured Kerosene in Stove. The tragedy, which resulted in the death of Mrs. Ledbetter and her two youngest children, Aileen, 3, and Irene, 11 months old, occurred when the mother poured kerosene into a stove, trying to rekindle a fire. An explosion followed and Mrs. Ledbetter's clothing was set on fire. She tried to save her daughters and finally attracted attention of neighbors who assisted her in getting them from the house. The mother and two daughters then were rushed to an Oklahoma City hospital where all died, Mrs. Ledbetter living a few hours longer than her daughters. Mr. Ledbetter, who is employed in the packing plant of Wilson & Company in Oklahoma City, was away from the home at the time of the tragedy. Three of the couple's sons, Herman, 9, Wilford, 8, and Clifford, 6, were in school at the time and escaped danger in the fire. The fire, which took the lives of the three members of the family, also destroyed the Ledbetter home. Mr. Ledbetter, on learning of the loss of his wife and two children, was prostrated with grief and had to be taken to a hospital in Oklahoma City where he was placed under the care of nurses. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: