Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Madison F. Pruitt, 1918 Wednesday, 24 Sep 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ PRUITT, MADISON F. (12 Jul 1918, The Carter Express, Carter, Beckham Co, OK): M. F. Pruitt, a prominent farmer of the Retrop community lost his life in an automobile accident on Friday afternoon of last week when his Ford car turned over on him out four and a half miles southeast of Carter. The accident happened near the home of Sam Simpson while Mr. Pruitt was trying to ascend a steep hill. Mr. Simpson's daughters were the first to get to the car after the accident. They noticed the smoke from the exhaust, the excessive smoke doubtless being caused from the extra oil that went into the cylinders after the car turned over, the motor continuing to run for some little bit after the car went over into the gulch. No one knows exactly how the accident happened as there were no eye witnesses but the general opinion is that Mr. Pruitt stalled his car in going up the hill, and instead of applying the brake and letting it coast down the hill slowly, it is thought that he put his foot on the reverse which shot the car back with considerable rapidity making it harder for him to keep it in the road consequently the wheels on one side dropped off into a hole six or eight feet deep by the roadside, causing the car to overturn. Mr. Pruett's body was caught directly under the front end of the car, the windshield brace on the right side breaking and the end attached to the car catching him in the breast just over the heart crushing his life out instantly. The remains were buried at the Retrop cemetery (Washita County) Sunday afternoon by the Masonic Lodge. It is said that the largest crowd ever assembled at the cemetery was present. Several cars of Carter people attended. Some attended from Sayre and other distant points. A son and daughter-in-law came in from Beaver County. A son Henry is in the U. S. Navy in France, so of course could not be present. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: