Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Lee Robertson, 1920 Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ROBERTSON, LEE (6 Aug 1920, Friday, Texola Herald, Texola, Beckham Co, OK): Friday evening about sunset Lee Robertson, age about thirteen, son of J. H. Robertson was on a horse trying to rope a calf when the horse run over the calf and fell on the boy, injuring him seriously from the effects of which he died Sunday morning at seven o'clock. He never regained consciousness from the time he was hurt until he died. The accident happened in the Kelton community and he was burried (sic) at the cemetery there. Rev. Wood, the Baptist pastor of Wheeler, officiating. We certainly sympathise with his father, brother, sisters and friends in their bereavement. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: