Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Walter Sweeney, 1930 Sunday, 14 December 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ SWEENEY, WALTER (10 Nov 1930, Elk City Newspaper, Elk City, Beckham Co, OK): While Charles Sweeney, 21, of Hatfield, Mo., was undergoing an operation here Sunday morning for a dangerous head infection word was received of the death of his half-brother, Walter Sweeney, of Bard, New Mexico, killed in an automobile accident 12 miles west of Amarillo, Texas, while rushing to the bedside of the youth here. Walter Sweeney had never seen Charles but when Walter W. Blackburn, county commissioner here, Saturday night telephoned that the young half-brother was in serious condition Walter said that he would get here as quickly as possible. He evidently left immediately for this city for he was killed only a few hours after the telephone conversation, Mr. Blackburn said. Father Is Ill Too Charles Sweeney came out of the operating room in much better condition than had been hoped and late yesterday he was told of the fate of his half-brother. When Mr. Blackburn called the Sweeney residence near Hatfield he found that further difficulties lay in the Sweeney family. The father, Jim Sweeney, 79, was very ill. Charles Sweeney was brought to the hospital here a week ago from Cheyenne, where he became ill. His friend with whom he was working apparently abandoned him after placing him in the hospital. But Charles, who has gone into operating rooms numerous times before to have one of his limbs whittled away, assumed responsibility for himself and told the doctors to operate. The only survivors of Walter Sweeney are his immediate relatives for he was never married. He was a large land owner in New Mexico, having several thousand acres of land and much stock, Mr. Blackburn said. How the accident occurred in which the elder brother was killed had not been learned by early this afternoon. It is presumed that while hurrying to the bedside of his half-brother whom he had never seen that be became excited or went to sleep while driving, losing control of his machine and wrecking it. --------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: