Beckham County, OK - Deaths: Lucile May Urquhart, 1912 Wednesday, 11 February 2009 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ URQUHART, LUCILE MAY (17 Oct 1912, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): (From the Apache Review, 10.) Little Lucile May, the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Urquhart, was accidentally shot Monday evening by her foster brother, Orris Urquhart. The bullet entered her forehead, and penetrated the brain. She lived only about thirty minutes after being found. The boy is twelve years old. The victim of the unhappy accident was eleven. The boy was crazed with grief and wanted to kill himself also when he saw the result of his stray shot, but no blame can be attached to him as it was purely accidental. Here is how it happened: The boy started to the pasture to drive up the cows, taking the rifle with him. The little girl started with him, but he told her to go back to the house. The child, who was of a very affectionate disposition, threw her arms around the boy's neck and kissed him, saying "good bye Pete," calling him by his nick name. Then she started back to the house. On the way back with the cows the boy shot at a bird, not thinking of any one being in range. Instead of going back to the house she had sat down on a hog shed to await the return of her playmate. The shed was about 60 yards from the tree in which the bird was sitting and directly in line with it. When the boy came up to the shed he found the little girl lying on a pile of corn under the hog shed with her brains oozing out through a hole in her forehead. He ran to the house screaming and told his parents what had happened. The little girl was taken to the house and Dr. Weiser of Alden was called, but he was out. Dr. Beucler was then called but went to Brookheart's, north of Apache, by mistake. However, no physician could have done any good, as the child died about thirty minutes after being found, before either could have reached the Urquhart residence. Funeral services were held Wednesday at the home, conducted by Rev. Carithers, after which interment was made in the Mission cemetery. While the child was an adopted child, she was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Urquhart when she was only six weeks old and was as dear to them as if she were their own child, and her tragic death has cast a gloom over the family that will be long in lifting. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community. --------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: