Beckham County, OK - Anniversaries: Hendrix Tuesday, 11 March 2008 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ ANNIVERSARY: MR. & MRS. F. M. HENDRIX (13 Jul 1911, Sayre Standard, Sayre, Beckham Co, OK): Golden Wedding. Tuesday, the 11th, was the fiftieth wedding anniversary of F. M. Hendrix, father of Judge Hendrix. He is now 76 years of age and his wife is 72. Both are in splendid health and keep up with the current events of the day. Grandpa Hendrix was born in Kentucky and moved to Missouri when two years old. He lived north of St. Louis until two years after he married, when he and his wife made an overland trip of 2200 miles in a wagon, going to California, which took them three months and at that time was counted an extra short time to make the trip. He worked in California for some time, and layed brick in the cities of Sacramento and San Francisco and many other places. He left there because of the earthquakes, having felt a slight one while living there. He lived most of his life in Texas, but says now he believes he will go out west and grow up with the country. He is the father of two county judges, one being Judge Hendrix of Sayre and the other Judge J. F. Hendrix of Tulia, Texas. He has twelve grandchildren. Mr. Hendrix can see many changes in the past fifty years and spoke of how they used to plow with the wooden mole board, which is so different from the steam plows of today. But, he says they used to raise as much to the acre as now, though of course not so many acres were under cultivation. ---------------------------------------------------------- Return to Beckham County Archives: