Beckham County, OK - Anniversaries, Worley, 41st Thursday, September 20, 2007 Submitted by: (Delma Tindell) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ (The Beckham County Democrat, Erick, Beckham Co, Ok, 1 September 1932) Wheeler Co. Man Claims a Record. Says More Offspring Born and Live in Texas Than Any. REV. A. D. WORLEY, Wheeler county rancher-preacher, claims the record for descendants born, raised and living in Texas, and his record is going to be difficult to exceed. On August 20th, Mr. And Mrs. Worley celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary, which was also the 61st birthday anniversary of Mr. Worley. The affair occurred at the Worley ranch home northwest of Texola, Oklahoma, near the Oklahoma border. All the children and their families excepting two were present at the celebration. Mr. And Mrs. Worley were married in Montague county, Texas, in 1891, remaining there until about 15 years ago when they moved to Wheeler county. They are parents of seven children, all of whom are living. Forty-five grandchildren have been born, thirty-nine of which are living. Their eldest child is 39 years old; the youngest 19. The youngest grandchild is 3 months and the eldest is 17. The record claimed by Rev. and Mrs. Worley is that they were married in Texas, have lived there ever since; all their children and grandchildren were born in Texas and still live there. Five of the seven sons and daughters and 25 grandchildren attended the celebration and these with neighbors and friends made an attendance of 78 persons. They stayed all night, Saturday night and cooked breakfast the following morning over camp fires in the open. At noon a feast was served to all. Both Mr. And Mrs. Worley are in good health and quite active. In addition to the management of his ranch, Rev. Worley is an evangelist in the mission field of the M. P. church, being attached to the Tex-homa conference, and holds many revival meetings. These folks are held in high esteem in Wheeler County and no one can question their loyalty or the loyalty of their descendants to the great state of Texas.