Beckham County, OK - Wills: Estate of E.M. Gay 23 April 2006 Submitted by: (Valerie Freeman) ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ "THE ROANOKE LEADER", Roanoke, Randolph County, Alabama NEWSPAPER Issue of Wednesday, July 2, 1913 NON-RESIDENT NOTICE State of Alabama, Randolph County Probate Court, June 18, 1913 In the matter of the estate of F.M. Gay, deceased Notice to: Nancy A. Staples, who resides in Sayre, Buchanan County (sic s/b Beckham Co), State of Oklahoma; and all other persons of interest, take notice: This day came J.G. Gay and filed in this court his petition in writing and under oath, for the sale of certain lands described in said petition, belonging to the estate of F.M. Gay, deceased, for a division among the heirs and joint owners of said estate, therefore, you will take notice of this filing of said petition and it is ordered by the court that the 21st day of July 1913 be and is hereby appointed a day to hear said petition, at which time you and all persons interested can appear and contest said petition if you think proper. This the 18th day of June 1913. John T. Heflin, Judge of Probate (Transcribed 13 Nov 2005 by Candace [Teal] Gravelle)